Deborah Lundbech's photos

Seminole Point Lodge, Sunapee, New Hampshire

07 Aug 2023 4 1 123
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: MOTEL, HOTEL, TENT, OR ANY SORT OF BUILDING OR STRUCTURE USED FOR OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS WHILE TRAVELING. My husband's grandfather co-owned a house on Lake Sunapee, N.H. with two family friends in the 1940s - 1960s, so they would not have stayed here (as it was close by) - but they did own this postcard! This is an interior shot of the motel - and typical of a lobby in the 1950s/60s, although the piano and stonework are a little fancier than many motels. The back of the card reads: The focal point of our guests is the spacious lounge - with it's true New England warmth and welcome. [Shouldn't that be "for" our guests?] Photo by Woodie Style

Tunbridge Public Library

15 Oct 2017 1 48
Tunbridge is located in Orange County, Vermont - which is adjacent to our county (Addison) and only about 53 miles - but the spine of the Green Mountains is between us, so the drive is over an hour and a half and you cross two mountains to get there.

Tiny, Tiny People Down There...

20 Jul 2023 8 16 83
...and up in the trees, behind a fence! HFF, everyone! You can see the people in the trees and the fence more easily in the larger versions. What a stunning place this was. I want to go back and spend more time hiking and visiting the museum - which, in addition to geological history, also has a large exhibit on the Underground Railroad (on the route to freedom in nearby Canada.)

Ausable Chasm, New York #2

20 Jul 2023 1 1 54
Waterfalls and a pipe. Taken from the right side of the bridge, approaching the museum.

Ausable Chasm, New York #3

20 Jul 2023 3 2 52
The impressive Ausable Chasm, eastern New York State.

Public Library, North Hero, Vermont

20 Jul 2023 2 61
North Hero is one of the Lake Champlain Islands. Day trip with Brian.

Alburg Public Library, Vermont

20 Jul 2023 48
Alburg, Vermont, borders Canada. Day trip with Brian.

Fellows Gear Shaper, Springfield, Vermont

30 Jul 2023 4 2 133
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: A FACTORY, WAREHOUSE, OR ANY OTHER EXAMPLE OF AN INDUSTRIAL BUILDING My husband's grandfather worked here in the 1930s and 40s. The Black River, calmly flowing past the factory in this picture, is raging in the photo below. Taken during the terrible flood of 1927, and similar to scenes throughout the state this past month. "High Water opp(osite) Fellows Gear Shaper, Black River, Springfield, Vermont, Nov. 4, 1927."

Eastern New York State

20 Jul 2023 2 68
We went on a day trip up the western side of Lake Champlain (eastern New York) from Port Henry to Rouse's Point, on the border of Canada. We then came down through the Champlain Islands in Vermont, and so back home.

New Haven River, Bristol, VT July 2023

23 Jul 2023 2 3 75
The river in our adjacent field, July 2023. Maybe some of you have seen the footage of Montpelier and other raging rivers in Vermont. We were very lucky - we had no devastating flooding in our town, unlike many of the towns in Vermont. Terrible property and business damages, but as far as I know, no-one lost their lives. We had many fantastic out-of-state Rapid Water Rescuers helping out, as well as dedicated, brave Vermont rescue workers. In contrast, here's a photo of me taken on our "normal" river, Oct. 2015.

Welsh National Museum c.1964

23 Jul 2023 4 1 115
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: A SCHOOL, LIBRARY, OR ANY KIND OF EDUCATIONAL BUILDING Perhaps it would be difficult to take a photo of this museum now, without photoshopping multiple cars out of it. My family visited the museum in 1964. The only thing I remember seeing in there was a very ancient iron cooking pot. Maybe it looked like a witch's cauldron to my 10 year old eyes. We were in Cardiff to say goodbye to my Dad's relatives before we emigrated to the U.S.

Little Salamander

04 Jul 2023 5 1 66
Mount Holly, Vermont. July 4, 2023.

Lugano, Switzerland c.1952

17 Jul 2023 1 87
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: A SKYSCRAPER, ROW HOME, OR ANY OTHER TYPE OF BUILDING YOU MIGHT FIND IN A CITY A hand colored postcard with fancy edges bought by my mother in 1952, on holiday from England. The buildings, which look like homes and hotels, have been brightly colored. The city is Lugano, the water is Lake Lugano, and the mountain is Monte San Salvatore. I like that you can see the lights going up the mountain. I loved looking at this postcard as a child - it seemed like fairyland!

Farm Scene

10 Jul 2023 2 90
Uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: A BARN, FARMHOUSE, OR ANY VARIETY OF AGRICULTURAL BUILDING I was thinking that this old bank barn had an interesting fan on the roof - but I think it's actually a fan behind the barn building. The little boy is having a drink (milk from their cows?) in front of the farmhouse with the barn, fan, and probable silo behind him. The photo is edged with a design that I've only seen on prints from the 1930s - but it may have been printed later than that.

On the Beach

11 Sep 2012 19 15 508
Originally uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of "On the Beach" and brought forward for HFF. Best wishes to all for a HFF and a sunny, warm weekend somewhere close to water! I found this photo in Essex Junction, Vermont - although it's obviously from somewhere else as Vermont has no coastline! Written on the back: Wm. H. Burr and Mary E. Burr Some of the details I like are Mr. Burr's wet legs, and his pipe, Mary's turban, and the man in the top right hand corner leaning on the insubstantial looking sea fence.

Holiday Chuckles

02 Jul 2023 4 5 107
Re-edited (but still can't get it larger) for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: TOURIST ATTRACTIONS (the quirkier the better). Not quite sure the cow qualifies for a tourist attraction, but it IS quirky and will have to do! I like the way (to me, anyway) the cow appears to be saying, "What the hell?!" haha. My mother's cousin Olive and Olive's sister Ivy's husband, Bill Dockerill. Somewhere in England, 1956.

By the Fence

01 Jun 2017 13 10 213
Originally uploaded for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of: FENCES, WALLS, OR OTHER BOUNDARY MARKERS - and brought forward for HFF! Here's a classic picket fence dividing what looks like a small town American Main Street from a backyard. Behind the sweet little child is either a garden shed or an outhouse (in the American sense, meaning an outside toilet). This is a photo from an album of photographs I bought at a town-wide sale in NY state. I believe it came from Michigan. HFF everyone - and best wishes for a beautiful weekend!

Three Generations in Front of the Fence?

10 Feb 2012 13 13 443
Brought forward for the Vintage Photos Theme Park theme of : IN DISGUISE OR IN COSTUME and reposted for HHF! It appears that these ladies are wearing Japanese kimonos. I remember hearing that there was a craze for Japanese "things" in the early twentieth century. This is the second batch of glass plate negatives that I purchased. I got them in Brattleboro, Vermont. I bought five of them - very cheap. The dealer has written "Dummerston, VT" on all of them. HFF, everyone!

4768 items in total