Saj Henderson's photos

Ladysmith 1

Rain 8

24 Oct 2023 2 47
I've always loved rain effects through windows, this is a new favourite.

Rain 7

24 Oct 2023 4 2 66
I took the photo looking into an art gallery which gave me the central image, the street reflections become window art.

October 4

21 Oct 2023 5 1 55
Yes, we have deer in Victoria where I live, and many of them like to 'hang out' in our cemetery.

October 3

22 Oct 2023 1 53
Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, B.C.

October 2

22 Oct 2023 2 41
Ross Bay Cemetery in Victoria, B.C.

Autumn is coming

Reach for the sky

Peacock on parade

Flight of the Pigeons

Flower Portrait

Square in Square

Monochrome 33

No left turn

19 Aug 2023 8 6 91
I walked through a neighbourhood where a building has been waiting for development for 20 years, Depending on your mood, you can see an eyesore or an interesting building on a human scale that doesn't tower over you. Happy World Photography Day to one and all from Victoria, British Columbia.

578 photos in total