Saj Henderson's photos

Vintage glass

Black and White

15 Oct 2022 5 1 65
I'm walking through the neighbourhood and found this outdoor Halloween display that I really like, the crows are so very still! When I was a kid, you carved a pumpkin and put it outside on October 31. Now Halloween is a decorating season and lasts about 30 days!!

Leaves and chalk

Paint effect 2

Paint effect 1

Paint effect

29 Sep 2022 1 52
I've been having fun using a paint effect on my photos, almost too much fun, like the time I put a polaroid style frame around most of my photos and then couldn't undo the effect!

Shall we dance

28 Aug 2022 2 55
The secret life of inanimate objects!


Experiment 15

28 Aug 2022 6 1 55
My apologies to this dear little dog for the extreme colour treatment, but this is what happens when I get bored!

Experiment 14

Experiment 13

Experiment 11

578 photos in total