Saj Henderson's photos

Experiment 18

16 Jan 2023 4 1 50
It's January and the weather is grey so why not use my Expressive Art creative filter to add some excitement to these shots, without even leaving my car!

Happy New Year

31 Dec 2022 13 6 84
Happy New Year! This past year has been full of challenges, and I hope that the coming year brings brighter days for one and all. Cheers to more shared photos in 2023.

Experiment 17

Experiment 16

Cars and balloons

20 Nov 2022 5 1 59
I'm very fond of photographing balloons and was very happy to come upon this used car dealer lot with the balloons afloat.

That New York feeling

07 Nov 2022 8 2 82
Finally, after another summer of drought, we have wet streets again.

Totem 15

31 Oct 2022 4 1 49
Some of the totems in Thunderbird Park have been freshly painted, and the colours are popping out.

Paint effect 5

22 Oct 2017 9 4 80
This Japanese Garden is part of Royal Roads University and in the autumn the maples are strikingly beautiful.

Paint effect 4

Paint effect 3

Halloween 18

01 Nov 2022 7 3 81
This young girl looks as if she stepped through a portal from another time and place.

Halloween 17

01 Nov 2022 2 49
I think she's a winged unicorn!

Halloween 16

Halloween 15

01 Nov 2022 1 1 60
Almost airborne!

Halloween 14

01 Nov 2022 3 56
This dog is holding on to his dignity in spite of being a hot dog in a bun!

Halloween 13

01 Nov 2022 2 68
Another Halloween has been and gone, this is one of my favourites from this year.

Double tree

578 photos in total