"Just checking, dear; thought I heard something in the bushes"

50 + favourites

Las Agujas de El Cancho Gordo

25 May 2019 78 79 347
Sierra de La Cabrera granite forms. This was in May 2019, the last time I walked in these mountains. Best on large.

Golden glow from ripening barley and fig tree fore…

27 Jun 2022 54 57 262
Another shot of the view from the garden. I reckon the figs will be ripe in about a month ("sooner than that" says my brother-in-law and he will probably be right; I was thinking of my 4 fig trees in my London garden years ago!).

H. A. N. W. E. Everyone! Sunrise from the house.

30 Jun 2022 56 57 275
Another of my sister's shots. I think I can now gracefully retire! Best on full screen.

HFF, Everyone!

07 Jul 2022 56 63 313
Algete's parish church and Constitution Square on a blisteringly hot afternoon. The centre of the town where I live (about 40 minutes walk all uphill from here!) I thought I may have inadverdantly caught myself in the mirror opposite, but it seems not! www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkEd3WgR8qw

Another gnarled olive tree. H. A. N. W. E. everyon…

09 Jul 2022 54 53 290
This local park is full of them and is called Olive Tree Park (I wonder why!). www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsTf3gZn27k for those that might have wondered what happened to Eric Burdon and his fabulous blues voice after the Animals and House of the Rising Son and, no, it has nothing to do with the photo, I just like it!

A big wave!

04 Aug 2012 58 59 280
How do I know? Well I'm standing on the cliff top ... and it's a very tall cliff! North Cliffs, Cornwall.

H. A. N. W. E. everybody

01 May 2012 73 79 365
Granite shapes, La Sierra de La Cabrera. This strange hanging rocky shape fell to the ground a year or two after I took this shot.

My picnic table.

26 May 2012 66 111 341
Well, I haven't shown my favourite picnic table for quite some time and I'm not sure whether I've posted this exact same shot before but even I have, I feel it's worth another airing! Better maybe on full screen.

From the edge.

01 May 2012 52 50 289
Sierra de La Cabrera with the town of La Cabrera below and an interested Griffon vulture or three hovering centre stage! (As a side note, directly below where the central vulture hovers, and on the horizon, is Algete, where I currently live). Maybe best on full screen, if only to emphasis the vastness of the Castillian Plain.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

16 May 2015 60 63 486
Well Spring has long gone but I found this Spring wildflower meadow shot and I don't think I've posted it before (I may be wrong!)

Bosigran, Zennor, Cornwall

03 Aug 2017 59 51 285
Looking west along the coast from Bosigran Head. A famous rock climb (or two) tops out at this point. www.ukclimbing.com/photos/item.php?nstart=144&crag=565

The deserted town of Granadilla

21 Aug 2016 61 63 266
Due to the new reservoirs built in the '50s and '60s, many villages and towns were abandoned and flooded. Granadilla was high above the new reservoir but was effectively surrounded by it and cut off from its farmlands (please have a look at the aerial map to get a gist of this isolation). The population moved to the cities in the main. Some decades later as the place became something of a tourist attraction, a few souls moved in to open a restaurant or two and some tourist shops. I've posted a couple of other shots under my Estramadura album: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/album/999420 There is also this wikipedia entry; en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Granadilla,_Spain I thought of 'When the levee breaks', a great blues song for this, even if it's not strictly relevant to the photo. www.youtube.com/watch?v=BYThZwcDUXk I selected a 'reaction' Youtube version of this Led Zeppelin classic, just because it was an honest and sincere reaction and it amused me!

HFF everyone! Not quite a tornado, but damned clos…

02 Aug 2022 67 88 287
The storm and storm cloud seen here had been above us about 15 minutes beforehand and with almost tornado-like gusts of wind! All the garden furniture was scattered around the neighbours' gardens and we acquired a fair sprinkling of theirs! Figs still not ripe.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

29 Aug 2019 60 63 315
My sister's shot from 3 years ago. Another dramatic sky! Best on full screen.

HFF, everyone!

27 Jun 2022 50 59 277
A view from the upper (third tier) terrace down to the back garden and vegetable patch.

HFF everyone! Figs now ripe and delicious!

09 Aug 2022 54 67 281
Same fig tree - looking towards the back of the house. Simply irrestible! Sight and Sound, I haven't heard this in decades. Here it is now; www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrGw_cOgwa8

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

10 Aug 2018 61 72 331
South West Peninsula Coast Path, above Greenbank Cove, Northcliffs, Cornwall. High tide; I used to come here mostly at low tide and do the coastline, rock-hopping walk along the shoreline you see here as far as Porthcadjack Cove. PAM J would understand me here! Perhaps better on full screen. And I include this long version of a famous song because I love it a lot and hadn't heard in a while so I thought why not do a 'sight and sound'! www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Z66wVo7uNw

Woodshed at night.

30 Sep 2013 64 52 348
The town of Maderuelo in Segovia Province is yet another town that has seen far better days. Now very run down due to de-population, it nevertheless retains enough interest for tourists and still has a few decent restaurants and bars. Perhaps marginally better on full screen.

369 items in total