"Just checking, dear; thought I heard something in the bushes"

50 + favourites

Hell's Mouth

20 Apr 2022 65 56 344
North Cornish coast. Southwest Peninsula Coastpath. My sister's shot taken last month on their brief visit to Cornwall to see our parents.

Pansy escapee. Self-seeded and apparently perfectl…

16 May 2022 68 76 345
This hardy survivor found a minuscule crack to etablish itself in on the driveway and has happily survived for several weeks. For some reason I have become quite fond of it and always say hello when I pass it on my daily constitutional! I asked my sister to take this as I can't yet bend down so low!

Ballowall, Carn Gloose (or Gluze). Sennen Cove and…

04 Aug 2018 43 25 728
Ballowall Scillonian burial chamber (Bronze Age). en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ballowall_Barrow

A favourite tree. HFF everyone!

02 May 2018 58 84 294
The Retiro Park, Madrid. I've liked this tree since my first visit to see my sister in Madrid, back in 1981 (and somewhere I may just have some slides of me, my sister and my old school French exhange partner all sitting on this tree! I will try and find them - but on reflection, they've long since disappeared, sadly!)

Nearly ripe!

27 May 2022 61 88 277
Apricot tree in the garden. Apparently they should be ready in about a week. H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Additional note 2 days after posting - they're starting to eat beautifully now!

Red red rose

14 May 2022 61 63 276
Another garden rose (I could have saved the upload for a fence Friday but I forgot!)

HFF everyone

28 May 2022 63 78 293
The steps down the side of our house leading to the back garden and fruit and veg area. Taken at the end of May but already the lush greens of Spring have all but disappeared under the relentless sun! The two houses are more or less identical, built by the same builder who lived in the house to the right until he died a while ago and both properties were put up for sale at an amazing discount, hence my sister was able to buy the one on the left using a large redundancy payment as a deposit. It was all down to lucky timing!

Olive tree, Paeque de Bravo Murillo, Madrid

06 Jun 2022 63 49 332
I used to live near here and it seemed then that it took the local authorities at least 10 years to turn this narrow strip of land between Calle Bravo Murillo and the water works grounds of Canal Isabel II into a pleasant park. But I had reason to go past here yesterday and found that it had at long last opened.

HFF everyone! The ubiquitous oleander and a view f…

08 Jun 2022 69 81 325
Evening shot. The green awnings are to protect the young and tender veg. shoots from the fierce sun. There is a fence in there somewhere, honest!

More apricots.

23 May 2022 60 64 250
Actually this shot was taken a couple of weeks ago. I took the last three fruit off the tree yesterday. In the background is a white rose bush.

HFF everyone! (Tuscany or Central Spain? - see not…

22 Jun 2022 61 78 346
Difficult to see but the harvest was taking place and the distant hum of the combine harvesters kept going until well past 11 pm every day this past week. My niece (whose home this is of course, although she has been a doctor on Lanzarote these past 5 years) says this view reminds her of Tuscany (she studied medicine on an Erasmus couse a decade or so ago in Florence, so she should know!). Except that ... the world famous impression that Tuscany is full of poplars is quite wrong! This only came about because of a famous photo of an aristocratic estate where the owner had decided to have poplars planted on his lane leading uphill to his palacio. The photo became popular, the rest is history .. and a misconception! Please, best on large and then on large again!

Mandevilla, Dipladenia or Brazillian Jasmine.

26 Jun 2022 57 64 288
Parked near the front gate, I didn't really notice this container shrub until it burst forth with these large white flowers! In answer to many members' questions about the aroma, I refer to my reply to Peggy below! And for a definitive answer, please see Valeriane's comment below too!

Plastic blue watering can. H. A. N. W. E. everyone…

16 May 2022 50 58 288
The roses near the end of their showing. But a heavenly and heady fragrance still! A portion of the front garden.


10 May 2022 51 68 291
Growing by the path down the side of the house. An attractive flower. en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linum_grandiflorum

My walk to the shops goes past here. H. A. N. W. E…

07 Jun 2022 50 69 296
A view from near Algete to the Sierra de Guadarrama, Madrid Province. Amazingly this is only 17 miles from Madrid centre!

Local steps near the house ... and no bench, even…

27 Jun 2022 53 78 277
I try to do these steps at least twice a day as part of my rehabillitation programme, and today I can proudly relate that I didn't have to stop for a breather once, for the first time! It may look easy but there are 98 steps and try doing it in the height of a Spanish summer! And only 2 months ago I was reliant on my walker / zimmer frame! So Isabel, bring on those mountains! :o) www.youtube.com/watch?v=fayL1WTR1Go Just because I like it!

Hell's Mouth. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

09 Aug 2018 55 66 288
Another one from this place. The last one was from my sister this year. I've not yet been here in foul weather but can imagine the despair and terror of those ships' crews driven ashore here - and they were, in their thousands!

Sunlit storm cloud. (Best on full screen).

02 Jul 2022 56 45 406
A strange situation; over the mountains and into Segovia Province, they had a succession of storms all day while we had unrelenting blue skies. Only late evening, as I relaxed with a glass of something alright, did I see the storm clouds and the edges caught by the rapidly sinking sun.

369 items in total