Madrid Province (or Comunidad de Madrid, to use its correct name!).


La Sierra de La Cabrera and the Lozoya Valley

06 May 2012 24 13 279
This is as close as I've ever stood on the summit of Cancho Largo, the highest peak in the Sierra. I would have tackled that boulder on the right once, there are many hand and footholds and it is only a few feet from the summit, but courage failed me (or common sense prevailed - take your pick!).

Poppy field, Algete, Madrid Province

28 May 2016 49 32 620
A pleasant walk in springtime, near my sister's home.

Sierra de La Cabrera rising above the fog

10 Dec 2011 63 51 655
Taken from El Cancho Gordo over the Eastern end of the Sierra with El Pico de La Miel at its end. As described a few times before, I didn't know when I started that I would get above the fog. It was a lucky hunch!


21 May 2018 9 7 209
I live in the building at the far left of the shot. Near Cuatro Caminos and the confluence of two famous Madrid streets, Calle Santa Engracia and Calle Bravo Murillo

Greenbank Cove, for Pam

04 Aug 2012 35 20 448
The rain held off and it turned into a fine day.

Another sunrise shot from a previous flat.

20 Jun 2013 69 52 769
I saw a lot of these in 2012 / 2013. I have seen very few since! Interesting fact: shot taken at midsummer and dawn is incredibly late (for us Brits), at 6 am approx. It means that ther are some days, even in summer, when I leave to take an early morning class and return after an evening class, when I don't get to see daylight at all! And that is depressing! Unlike some of my sunrise / sunset shots there was very little editing done here, just the frame and some cropping (from memory - it was 5 and a half years ago).

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Sunrise, Hortaleza, Madr…

02 Nov 2012 33 30 445
Another spectacular dawn from my old flat

Stormy day.

16 May 2013 57 48 514
A succession of storm clouds swept over Hortaleza (Madrid) that day. Better on full screen.

Sunrise!! A joy to start the day with this!

16 Oct 2012 38 37 406
This certainly wasn't one of those 'oh no, the alarm again! Sh..!' ... turn round and go straight back to sleep moments! This was the best possible wake up and smell the coffee (and grab the camera) alarm call imaginable!

La Sierra de La Cabrera. A granite (and vulture gu…

19 Mar 2012 49 33 435
The Eastern edge of the Ridge from EL Cancho Gordo (about half way along). An excellent scramble is to do the entire length of the ridge along the crest as far as possible. The only section I have to bypass is the highest peak, EL Cancho Largo (behind me but visible two photos from this one!), although I have been on the top of it twice but not as part of a longer ridge trek.It needs more time, care and thought than I have if I have to add it to the longer walk and still get back in time for the last bus!

North Cliffs from The Knavocks. For Pam.

09 Aug 2018 53 32 584
A great sky. The Godrevy coast is behind me and North Cliffs stretch ahead to St Agnes. Hell's Mouth is in the mid distance. I have just about run out of my 2018 summer shots from Cornwall and, although I still have a few more from the archives, I would dearly love to get some more this year!

Another one from our Christmas Day walk.

25 Dec 2018 19 13 267
Sunset behind Valderrey, Algete, Madrid province.

A walk at Christmas is essential!

25 Dec 2018 45 29 368
Ok, this was nearly 24 hours after the Christmas dinner (which in Spain is on Christmas Eve), but just as welcome and necessary. The Sierra de Guadarrama on the skyline. At the right of the shot can be seen peaks with the wonderful names of The Evil One and The Dead Woman!

Madrid. Outside my flat. Storm brewing.

20 Apr 2016 11 14 186
I got back just before the heavens opened!

Templo de Debod, Madrid

20 Dec 2012 25 18 454
A gift from President Nasser of Egypt to Spain for its help in conserving ancient buildings before the construction of the Aswan Dam


04 Aug 2012 31 18 456
Typical coastal scenery along this stretch of the North Cornish Shore. The light and the colour are often like this.

Madrid Skyline from near Valdemorillo

23 Mar 2013 20 15 409
The Four towers, plus some other tall buildings (in many of which I give, or have given, Business English classes to senior executives), can clearly be seen. Taken from close to my girlfriend's sister's house. Best on black and enlarged.

Sunset, Hortaleza, Madrid

12 Nov 2012 30 22 440
From a previous flat.

232 items in total