HFF!!! Rhodochiton in my mother's garden

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Porthmeor Farm, Zennor, Cornwall. HFF!

20 Jul 2012 72 103 1384
HFF to all my ipernity and IMA friends. There is a fence in there somewhere; the horse has got it (almost) covered!

HFF everyone!! H.A.N.W.E. as well!! Pleased to hav…

19 Aug 2012 56 69 1285
Only the fence posts survive but it'll do for me! Gurnard's Head, Zennor, Cornwall. With montbretia. The South West Peninsula Coast Path.

Happy Fence Friday, ipernity survivors and perseve…

08 Jul 2012 60 100 1354
Pasiflora. My Mum's garden again! Despite some sour and peevish comments many of us received from an unexpected source (unexpected to me anyway!), let's make this terrific site flourish!! 'Surely it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness!'

Happy Fence Friday!

18 Jul 2012 74 85 1366
Rhodochriton (sometimes called Purple Bell Vine). A climber originally from Southern Mexico and Guatamala. It is very happy in Cornwall! Garden in Saint Day, Cornwall

St Agnes' Head, Cornwall

05 Aug 2014 67 69 1058
Granite cliffs at St Agnes' Head, St Agnes' Heritage Coast. Good fun scrambling down to this point and good exercise getting back up! I used to to do it 10 times a day when I was trying to lose the weight I put on after I quit smoking! It worked! Try on Z please.

HFF! Cornish hedge on the northern slopes of Carn…

28 May 2011 53 71 1157
I know it's VERY early (I will be away for a couple of days) and also it's not exactly a fence, but it will have to do! Stone field borders are called hedges in Cornwall.

North Cliffs from Reskajeage Downs, Cornwall

05 Aug 2012 47 53 1302
The notorious (for shipping anyway) Hell's Mouth is tucked in the cliffs in the middle distance. Fundraising is still going on. Apparently and, ultimately, IMA need at least 50.000 $ to continue Ipernity into 2018! www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

Fishing Cove, Nudist beach, Reskajeage, Cornwall (…

14 Aug 2014 52 64 2410
This is an officially designated nudist beach. I like this beach for its many aesthetic qualities and pleasures! But I must add that I have never seen any nudists here! The way down is quite safe but not perhaps for the faint-hearted! And in some years, land slides and mud slips make the path treacherous until someone (on one occasion me and a local line fisherman) helps out by kicking in a new path where the old one had been swept away. (The things I do for aesthetics!) Seriously, anyone who knows this beach well will tell you that I am exaggerating. You see whole families down on the beach. Grandmothers pass me by on their zimmer frames as I gingerly creep down the cliff path, City types stroll past, nonchalantly placing a deal or booking a table at Nathan Outlaw's latest restaurant. etc etc No. I still haven't seen any nudists here! Sorry. I get carried away sometimes with the beauty of Cornish scenery!

HFF everyone! A rare Cornish fence.

14 Aug 2014 63 97 1500
Reskajeage, above Fishing Cove. The coast sweeps past Hell's Mouth (partly hidden), North cliffs and St Agnes' Head and on to Perranporth and Newquay. Taken not all that far from the previous shot with the honeysuckle (although two years later). The reason why the post is perfectly presented and everything else is slightly bokeh-ish is because I forgot to switch off the flash (although Ben - Fratton Parker kindly explains that it is 'fill-in flash' and not a mistake!).

Porthcadjack, with Samphire and Asparagus Islands…

04 Aug 2012 45 60 988
A favourite low tide walk / scramble. Cornwall north coast.

I call this rock 'The Chef's Hat'

14 Jan 2012 53 73 1012
Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite. Winter scenery but no snow that year. 'Z' please! Alternative title: Toque Rock!!!!

Hell's Mouth, Reskajeage, Cornwall

22 Jul 2012 53 72 1206
Looking across from North Cliffs to Navrax Point. South West Peninsula Coast Path. This looks innocuous enough in fine weather. In rough seas it is an entirely different matter for shipping, hence the name! This happened here the previous year: www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMnbOlvx72k

My final comment on what Google did to Panoramio!

09 Nov 2012 35 82 1246
My girlfriend is never to see this (although she ought to be secretly proud of it!)!!! Hoyo de Manzanares, November 2012.

Spring revisited no 4. Catkins, Valdemorillo, Mad…

11 Mar 2013 61 95 1153
aNNa Schramm solved the puzzle as to what tree these catkins come from. They are the male catkins of the Populus Tremula (Lt), European Aspen (Eng), Zitterpappel (Gm), Peuplier tremble (Fr) or Alamo (Sp). Thank you aNNa! Taken March 2013, first posted on ipernity 2016. Valdemorillo, Madrid Province.

La Cabrera foggy day. December 2011

10 Dec 2011 35 54 973
Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid Province. Underneath the fog in the distance is Madrid.

Shetland Ponies, Ralph's Cupboard, Treaga Hill, Po…

10 Aug 2014 51 57 1099
South West Peninsula Coast Path. August 2014 My question for the group 'Ask an Expert' is this. Are these actually Shetland ponies? It sparked a lively debate on Panoramio but was never truly resolved. The notice boards all say Shetland Ponies, but quite a few viewers said they were too big and must be another breed..

HFF!!! Cuatro Torres and sculpture, Chamartin rail…

12 Apr 2014 41 66 1312
The sculpture: "A LA DIVERSIDAD HUMANA" Sculpture by Josep Capella and Clara Capo. I have Steve Drury to thank for finding the title from my Pano gallery when I thought Google had erased all notes and comments! Please give as generously as you can: www.generosity.com/community-fundraising/ipernity-members-association-a-non-profit-entity

HFF! Portreath Harbour, Cornwall

29 Jul 2012 44 51 922
Looking down the steps from Dead Men's Hut. Another very early HFF but it's because I don't know where I'll be tonight or tomorrow!! PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY! THANK YOU!

457 items in total