'KEEP OUT'!! or 'STAY IN!!'. Either way, a worrying sight!

Unusual or different

Paseo de la Castellana.

09 Apr 2013 15 16 379
From Torre Europa, looking north to Torres Kio and the Four Towers along this main Madrid thoroughfare. Behind the furthest towers can just be glimpsed La Sierra de La Cabrera. Best on black and full screen.

Agitato and blue

24 Aug 2012 54 44 870
It was a calm sea and mild weather at St Agnes Head, except for here!

A puzzle!

19 Apr 2013 17 41 323
But not to me (obviously!), nor to Diane Putnam who guessed what this was on Panoramio a while back! SOLVED BY SAMI SEROLA -please see below!

Shadow tree espalier

14 Mar 2017 19 23 295
Notoriously difficult to train one of these up a wall! The outer wall of the Palace of San Lorenzo de El Escorial.

Rock window

28 Jan 2012 33 35 744
Another awkward one - I was standing on tiptoe on a tiny granite ledge to get this. View towards Pico de La Miel, Sierra de La Cabrera

Happy accident.

12 Mar 2012 18 31 369
This was probably my thumb. Anyway, a little tweaking in editing...

A favourite granite lump. I feel it almost wants t…

14 May 2013 23 23 598
This large rock does seem precariously balanced, as if it is about to topple over but it really is very solidly 'fixed'! El Cancho de La Bola, La Sierra de La Cabrera

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! Monasterio de Nuestra Se…

14 Sep 2013 70 70 914
Situated in the spectacular Hoces del Duraton, Segovia Province. Built in the 13th century but flattened by the collapse of the rocky spur above it. I couldn't find any reference to loss of life so I presume (and hope) that the monks abandoned it at the first sign of danger! Viewers have suggested enlarging it (the photo, not the monastery!)

Plaza del Cordon and Puzzle!

26 Mar 2018 15 25 315
In old Madrid. I know the Spanish flag of course - and there have been a lot on display since the Catalunyan goings-on but the other flag? Puzzle! What is the 'other' flag?????


29 Aug 2012 31 27 390
You wouldn't want to let your ship any where near these rocks! Tubby's Head blowholes. There are two close to each other; they can't be seen separately from this angle. But they can from above and afar: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/46103862/in/album/1036936

Not quite a rock window - see link in description

14 May 2013 12 13 288
Sierra de La Cabrera granite. This link shows the same rock. www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/46363496

Would somebody please call the dentist!

20 May 2012 38 34 456
Granite forms, La Sierra de La Cabrera (I know I've used this line before with another shot of these rocks - sorry!)

Happy accident

16 Apr 2014 10 20 238
I forget how the original looked, I think just a blur but a bit of playing around with it gave me this.

Príncipe Pío, old and new.

14 Apr 2013 51 55 456
Príncipe Pío metro and mainline station, Madrid. Modern escalator handrail and much older ironmongery. One for Project 21 from the archives on the theme of transport just before entries close ('in the nick of time!')

Weird granite

17 Apr 2011 19 20 696
Strange granite shape on the path up to El Cancho Gordo, It has a name which I knew but have since forgotten. Straight ahead is El Cancho de La Bola, haunt of Griffon Vultures. La Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid Province.

Rocky Stone and The Bedrocks are ready to perform…

08 Aug 2013 18 24 352
Granite, La Sierra de La Cabrera Sight and Sound: (sorry Mick and the guys!): www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CgZnUXqvi8

A non-rocking stone (occasionally hums to itself,…

08 Apr 2012 16 10 270
Granite boulder, about 2 metres high.

Skye. September 1978. On the Cuillin Ridge

09 Jul 1978 20 28 1071
Of course we did have ropes and safety equipment but I was obviously being stupid for the camera!

310 items in total