Sea lion platforms


Stormy the mini-horse

25 Nov 2017 4 6 398
His owner took him into my mother's assisted living center, which delighted everyone. He didn't even leave any "souvenirs" behind. I happened upon him taking a walk today.

"I'm off to the bakery - you want a maple bar?"

28 Apr 2015 2 5 505
AA316 Birds of a feather.

"OMG, what did Mildred do to her hair?"

28 Apr 2015 3 6 420
AA331 Waterfowl.

"I'm ready for my close-up. Does my knob look OK?"

30 Nov 2018 1 4 495
AA331 Waterfowl.

Watching ducks


17 Apr 2015 3 3 469
This little guy had just finished romping around and acting adorable. He finally stopped long enough for me to get a picture of him. AA312 Choice.

Cow greeting

17 Apr 2015 3 12 709
AA312 Choice

"Does this sidewalk make me look fat?"

Pink cloud cat

Vintage cat

Beanie and Mr. Chubbs

10 Jun 2013 3 2 345
Real names: Jambo (front) and Pooter. Jambo (13) is mine and Pooter (12) is his friend.

Cat etching

Flower the stray kitty

Chat en croûte

14 Apr 2015 3 4 488
A313 Memories.


"Yeah, the fake cat is hilarious, now let me in."

14 Apr 2015 2 3 510
Jambo, 4/1/2000 - 4/10/2017 XOXOXO

"Do I smell salmon?"

14 Apr 2015 3 2 467
Rest in peace, Jambo: 4/1/2000 - 4/10/2017 Thank you for being such a good, funny boy. XOXOXO

248 items in total