Diane Putnam's photos


31 Aug 2023 3 95
The buck of the pronghorn herd, given that name by my daughter-in-law. He is staying back in protection mode so the does and youngsters can run ahead. The interesting pronghorn (not sheep, not antelope) can form herds of thousands migrating up and down the North American grasslands. The herd local to the area where my son's family lives is a few hundred, but breaks up into smaller groups of a few dozen in Spring/Summer. Great information about the Pronghorn: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Zy2tVuiMs One of the family dogs came home with a pronghorn leg, recently. Most likely killed by coyotes, but possibly a wolf. None of their dogs could have run fast enough to catch one - they are far beyond the abilities of a domestic dog!

The guest trailer

30 Aug 2023 14 13 185
I recently spent 5 days in Dorris, California with my son and his family. They live on an enormous hay ranch (not owned by them). This little trailer is their summer guest quarters and their camp trailer when they go to the coast. It was really fun to wake up next to the horses.

Clyde in the water tub...

30 Aug 2023 9 17 158
...with Reba, Crescent and Ernie on a hot day. Clyde dips himself in the tub at random times during the day. The other dogs always gather around, but don't go into the tub. He's an absolute character and a mutt that was found out in the middle of nowhere. Nate and Steph were so curious about his DNA that I sent for a test kit for them for Christmas. He is a huge assortment of herding types, including kelpie, border collie, German shepherd, etc. (Surprisingly, no Lab!) His temperament is very sweet and he's kind of a comedian. If my daughter-in-law had not been driving down the highway and he had not jumped out of the ditch as her car approached, he would have died out in the Klamath marshland. Far from towns or even ranches.


30 Aug 2023 5 9 140
Travis with a load of hay for his mother's horses.

Berries of red branch dogwood


In memory of Andy, with love

Blue Atlas cedar

15 Jul 2023 3 2 93
Needles are very short, about 3/4" or 2cm. It's a very attractive, fluffy tree. Not a spruce, as I had originally thought. The needles are too short to be a spruce or a pine. After some lengthy comparing of needles and growth habits, I finally arrived at what I believe is the proper identification. The Blue Atlas Cedar is a good, tidy landscape tree. This one was not "in nature," but planted near a business. Identifying the different conifers can be very confusing. There are "old world conifers" and "new world conifers" to make it seem even more baffling. gardenerspath.com/plants/landscape-trees/identifying-conifers

Big tank

17 Jun 2023 3 8 107
Oh look, my shipment of chemicals has arrived!

Bell pepper terror

I swear I did not do this

Pure fragrance

The towering lilac

Japanese maple

1949 GMC 150

17 May 2023 26 29 369
This was parked in front of a muffler shop. Presumably, this needs more than a new muffler. ;-p When I was two years old, this was a new pickup! It has a lot of big holes drilled around the walls of the bed and around the grille. Would that be to reduce the weight? I've never seen anything like that. Regarding the image; In order to "fudge" the crowding at the front of the truck's image, I added some stuff for breathing space. This is an example of the difficulty I have taking pictures with poor eyesight,now. I didn't see that the image wasn't properly in the frame. So, I could go back and do it again tomorrow, or just add something called a mirror frame and call it a day. ;-)

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