Ullswater, a low look.

Lakes, Lochs,Reservoirs,Tarns, Ponds

Loch Chon

06 May 2021 16 13 149
The second Loch near Aberfoyle, this upstream from Loch Ard. It’s a very quiet Loch and feels quite isolated. The shore length is 7.2 km and the loch only has an average depth of 8.8 m. It also has an Island, out of sight to the right here, called Heron island. We are walking along a forestry road and track on the western side looking north. Our walk is the full circuit of Loch Chon and also around a linking small ‘Loch Dhu’ to the south. Enjoy full size.

Loch Arklet

07 May 2021 27 20 189
We are on our way to the more famous Loch Katrine when we pass this smaller loch. We are looking down the 2.5 mile length here towards the Ben Lomond area with the snow-capped Munro of Ben Vane. The lonely road along its right bank was the spot where yesterday’s fence photo was taken (pip) and the one we will take later today on our way to Loch Lomond. As you can see here the morning light at this moment gave us a golden glow with these moorland grasses. Hope you enjoy this. Enjoy full size.

Loch Kathrine

07 May 2021 24 24 192
Looking to the Northern shore and Eastwards. Taken from Stronachlachar with the pier seen on the left. I am stood just a few feet away from my previous photo position here. Loch Katrine is a freshwater loch and scenic attraction in the Trossachs area of the Scottish Highlands. The loch is 13 kilometres long and 1 kilometre wide at the widest point and runs the length of Strath Gartney. The Island: Factor's Island, Loch Katrine. In the course of his long-running dispute with the Duke of Montrose, the well-known historical figure Rob Roy once imprisoned the Duke's factor (who acted as agent and rent collector) on this island, also known as Eilean Dharag. The stone wall was added to protect the island when the water level in Loch Katrine was raised in connection with its use as a water supply for Glasgow, which it has been since 1859. 'Katrine' derives from the Gaelic 'cateran', meaning a Highland robber. Enjoy full size.

A bench over Loch Lomond

07 May 2021 42 47 254
A view from a walk in the woods south of Invesnaid on the north east of Loch Lomond. We can just see the Loch Lomond holiday park across the water backed up by the grand mountains of Ben Vorlich (943m) and Ben Vane (916m). There is in fact a hydro-electric power station just to the right of that park called Inveruglas. (https://www.seelochlomond.co.uk/discover/inveruglas) Enjoy full screen and have a good week.

Loch Katrine, North West Aspect

07 May 2021 21 15 178
A look at this quieter part of Loch Katrine towards the hamlet of Glengyle. The snow covered hill here is Meall Mor with Stob a'Choin showing its head to the right. Below us is the Island of ‘Rubha nam Mult’ with ‘Rubha na Moine’ being connected to the mainland by a small isthmus on the back left. Enjoy full size.

Loch Katrine, South East aspect

07 May 2021 23 18 191
Taken somewhat west of Stronachlachar on the north west tip. Enjoy full size.

Loch Katrine – down on the water’s edge.

07 May 2021 29 20 175
A walk down to the waters edge here on this northern tip of the loch. If you look carefully you can see a pair of Canadian Geese swimming around. ~ My shoe soles were a bit sticky after this walk. ~ Not troubled by having to Covid socially Isolate around here! Enjoy full screen. Herb

The pride of Loch Lomond

07 May 2021 22 21 201
A look at this famous Loch towards the south from above Inversnaid. It took a while and some effort finding this viewpoint but when we did, we were very pleased indeed as I hope you are. (A stitch of four photos) Enjoy full size. Ps – another short break now.

A pond, some reeds and a fence

09 Jul 2021 42 55 242
Seen on one of our walks in North Lancashire. A farmer’s field and a small pond that is an oasis for the cattle and sheep in this field. For us here – just a fence to make us happy Have a great weekend.

A sit down over Loch Lomond

07 May 2021 28 37 274
A very nice viewpoint above this northern part of the Loch here. Looking south. Out of sight over my left shoulder is Ben Lomond with its snow peak is greeting us too. PiP Enjoy full screen and have a good week.

Inversnaid Jetty

07 May 2021 4 5 84
Landing spot for the hotel that sits behind me and also wild the road to Loch Arklet & Loch Katrine.

From Inverkirkaig, Scotland.

09 May 2021 39 45 260
An opportunity at last to share the second week of my fortnight in Scotland during May. The area here known as Assynt, lies on the far North West corner of Scotland. This is our local stony beach which we were to see every day for a week in different conditions. Our own wooden holiday chalet sits just behind this closest white building with our garden running to the rocky shoreline seen here. This seat was a pleasure to sit on, watching different waders, birds, sheep and even wild deer. The weather today was typical of the week. Enjoy full screen and have a good week.

A fence on Crummock Water

18 Aug 2020 36 69 216
A quick return to my August 2020 trip to the Lake District with this one. A miserable day for walking but these scenes take my attention. Always funny to see these fences going way into the lake. I imagine that a cow could easily wade or swam around it but… Fells: Grasmoor (852m) on the left, with Rannerdale Knots (355m) on the right. Enjoy full size. Have a great weekend.

Over the Lochan

10 May 2021 23 12 183
A view over this lochan near Achmelvich to the mountains of Canisp to the left and Suilven on the right. A view that I would see again and again. Notice another lochan behind this one. 'There are over 31,000 freshwater Scottish lochs, including lochans, although only around 350 are of a notable size. A lochan is the word for a small loch, although there is no clear definition for the size at which a lochan becomes a loch.' Enjoy full screen.

An Dun Lochan

10 May 2021 25 15 175
This was seen as we walked north from Clachtoll beach towards the Ancient Broch (See clickable PiP). We are looking west here towards the Quinag mountain range, a vista we were to get much closer to in the following days. ‘Quinag is an 808-m high mountain range in Sutherland in the Scottish Highlands, with an undulating series of peaks along its Y-shaped crest. The name Quinag is an anglicisation of the Gaelic name Cuinneag, a milk pail, reflecting its distinctive shape.’ Wikipedia Enjoy full size.

A Cemlyn Bay view

12 Aug 2021 26 16 195
Cemlyn Bay in Anglesey is a wonderful crescent lagoon which is a haven for wild birds and waterfowl. We are near the northern carpark here looking over the old farm and little bridge over the river. To my left and further back is a rather nice freshwater lake. Enjoy full size as usual.

Flight of the Kittiwake

12 Aug 2021 17 12 174
Well at least, that is what I think it is. This taken form the small fresh-water lake at Cemlyn Bay in Anglesey, Wales. This lake was actually bigger than it appears to be here as our walk progressed along to the left, a real pleasure under these painterly clouds. The black cows, again are a guess for me being the ‘Welsh Black’ one of the oldest breeds in Britain. Best full screen.

A Loch Assynt view

11 May 2021 27 20 209
Another day, another place here in Assynt north west Scotland. This is in fact quite a popular view with the little peninsular having these interesting trees that look good in all lighting. Obviously a spot from where a local fisherman keeps his row boat too. We were to see a more famous view not far from here too. As can also be seen, not the best of weather days today, we were to be soon made quite wet. Enjoy full size.

280 items in total