Ullswater, a low look.

Lakes, Lochs,Reservoirs,Tarns, Ponds

Loch Broom

15 May 2021 15 19 165
As we continue to drive south we come to the small town of Ullapool and its sea loch. Loch Broom is seven miles long (five looking down from here) and is fed by the River Broom. We are here on the main Ullapool frontage looking south with its fishing harbour and the Stornoway ferry terminal to our right. As can be seen, a full range of interesting mountain ranges lie to the south and overlook the loch.. The PiP (last photo) shows more of the Ullapool street itself. Enjoy full size and remember our friends in the Ukraine.

Ullapool from the south.

15 May 2021 12 12 152
We are looking down Loch Broom here towards the town and can see how much of it lies on the spit of land jutting into the Loch. It is this that gives shelter to the fishing and ferry harbour just seen here on the right. In the distance the first of the ‘Summer Isles’ can just be made out. Enjoy full screen.

The fence at Lake Agnes

16 May 2016 36 45 220
A glance back to May 2016 and our trip to the Banff National Park of Alberta, Canada. Lake Agnes, described as a small mountain lake is a 3.5km hike above the famous Lake Louise (pip). A teahouse is situated along the eastern shore at an elevation of 2134 metres (but unfortunately it was closed when we got here.) The lake was so called 'Lake in the Clouds by the 'Stoney Indians'. The present name stems from two famous lady visitors: Agnes Knox -the first white woman to visit the lake and then Lady Agnes Macdonald, wife of Canada's first prime minister who visited a few days later. Oh to have had the time to traverse the path seen here on the right bank but we soon had to turn tail and dash back to our hotel by the greater Lake Louise.. HFF, enjoy the weekend.

Castleshaw reservoir

13 Nov 2021 18 14 173
A look at one of our local reservoirs. This is Castleshaw, fabled as once being an area where a Roman fort was built. A five photo stitch. Enjoy full screen

Waters Edge

15 Oct 2005 31 24 221
Taken on Lake Windermere, Bowness. Just a pleasant memory taken with my old Canon Ixus 500. Enjoy full screen.

Coffee morning on Loch Lomond

30 Apr 2022 30 30 135
A couple take a morning coffee on the banks of Loch Lomond here at Tarbet. The start of a cruise for many but not us as we drive on to the Mull of Kintyre on this day. HBM -enjoy the week.

Loch Lomond and the Tarbet pier

29 Apr 2022 25 24 157
Another look at Loch Lomond, as we can never get enough of this magnificent stretch of water. Looking south in the direction of Glasgow from about two thirds of the loch length of 39km (24miles) up. From here one can go further north or west. The western road takes us through the village of Arrochar and the mighty Loch Long on to Inveraray and the west coast - this is our direction. The northern route takes one to Crianlarich and Fort William via Glencoe. Enjoy full screen.

Old Arrochar Pier

30 Apr 2022 25 22 150
On the very northern tip of Loch Long, Arrochar has always been a popular stop-off-point both for road traffic and sail. One of the first sets of sailors were in fact Viking invaders sailing up the length of Loch Long (20miles) from the sea, then transporting their long-boats the small distance overland to Tarbet on Loch Lomond towards Glasgow plundering the lakeside villages. Later it was also a very popular place for steam ship tours that plied the Clyde and Loch Long as part of the’ Three Lochs’ tour. It was that traffic that brought about this pier built in 1850 to service those steamers as part of what was also called the Arrachar Route. Steamers would come here from such places as Rothersay (Bute), Dunoon and Gourock. In 1968 traffic was down to three times a week mainly serviced by ‘Waverley’. Today it is all a distant memory with only the odd pleasure craft seen up here with the roar of road traffic across the water, heading for 'The Rest and be Thankful’ pass. We see across the loch, part of the ‘Arrochar Alps’ towards Crianlarich. The distinctive toothed peak is known as ‘The Cobbler’. More info: www.arrocharheritage.com/HistoryOfArrocharPier.htm Enjoy full screen.

Tarbet pier, Loch Lomond

29 Apr 2022 33 50 145
A fenced view down and onto the wooden pier here. This is the home of ‘Cruise Loch Lomond’ and a very busy spot it is in summer. No fences on the lower parts so people have to be very careful near the edges. It has been extensively repaired and renewed over the past few years. Enjoy the weekend.

From Loch Kirkaig

11 May 2021 35 51 163
One from my trip of last year in the high NW of Scotland. This taken not far from our holiday cottage at Inverkirkaig. The sea-loch is just at ‘slack-water’ and after a cloudy day the sky clears and the water starts to show some long awaited reflections. We could see this small yacht from our chalet windows and it never did sail away. Enjoy the weekend.

Reservoir waves.

28 May 2022 18 18 147
Norman Hill Reservoir, Rochdale, low in water as it is being emptied for a repair. I do like the wave effect here with the shape of the background hill coupled with the wall and reflections. Even the foreground shape is trying to match too. Enjoy full screen.

‘Cross Loop Walk’ gate.

14 Jun 2022 31 40 160
This is part of our walk today near Belmullet. This is another round walk made especially for the tourist of around 5-7 miles. The lake is a shallow one and is called, ‘Cross Lough.’ This gate is more like a traditional garden gate but the barbed fence is very typical of fences everywhere near here. Our way follows the arrow back to the start. A great walk with the highlight being the walk along the beautiful sandy bay. Enjoy full size.

Dovestones in drought conditions

24 Sep 2022 21 24 118
A Saturday walk brings me once again to my local reservoir which I have not seen for some months. I was shocked that the water was the lowest I have ever seen. This old tree stump is usually submerged under about 40-50ft of water here. You can see the normal water height almost touching the edge of the grassy bank on the right. Notice too my well photographed ‘One Tree’ standing proud. See PiPs. Again, I was informed that water from here is being pumped to other reservoirs near here then south. Essential full screen

A Yeoman Hey view

10 Oct 2022 26 20 113
As water slowly fills up this reservoir again after our drought conditions, we see here the late light catching the dam and banks. I am here with our Ipernity friend ‘Toz’ who is accompanying me on my home favourite walk with his camera too. He has already posted a couple of photos from this walk: www.ipernity.com/doc/2405228/51616400 and almost at the same place as this: www.ipernity.com/doc/2405228/51617628 Enjoy full screen.

Autumn Mist on Hollingworth Lake

18 Oct 2022 33 52 175
It seems to have been a while since I last took some Autumnal mist photos and so here is a scene that I came across on a ride out to get some Autumn gold trees. This lake/reservoir is a very popular spot with a fine promenade all the way around its 2.4 mile perimeter. I am reminded here that I must re-walk this again sometime. Notice the water-level is still very low after our very dry summer. The white building is a very popular restaurant here. Enjoy the weekend. Herb

Gibson Mill revisited

18 Oct 2022 17 18 99
This autumn I have had another rare chance to revisit a favourite place: Hardcastle Crags near Hebden Bridge. In its heart sits this mill and pond. The mill, now a small café and museum, it even has seats where I am here to picnic whilst admiring this wonderful view. I This fine old mill now owned by The National Trust lies in a very picturesque valley. The Gibson Mill was built around 1800. It was one of the first generation mills of the Industrial Revolution. The Mill was driven by a water wheel inside and produced cotton cloth up until 1890. In 1833, 21 workers were employed in the building, each working an average 72 hours per week Enjoy full size.

Yeomen Hey reservoir from the dam.

10 Oct 2022 14 14 168
A local walk with my Ipernity friend Toz in this interesting light allows me to capture a scene of this year’s drought conditions before our autumn rains started to fill this up again. Our walk took us along the left lane you see here rising to the next reservoir up. A good day was had by all. Have a good day.

HFF- Group walk

26 Oct 2022 34 49 168
Seen on the perimeter of Digley Reservoir near Holmfirth. The low level of water in this reservoir testifies to our dry summer but now, a few weeks later, I imagine they will have a lot more water in after days of heavy rain. Best full screen. Enjoy the weekend. Herb

280 items in total