Sunset light painting

Night photos long exposure

The Southern Pole

03 May 2019 6 2 423
This will give you an Idea how this method really does work, why its worth thinking outside the square. Remember I can not see these with my eyes just on the camera sensor. A 9 min shot to get the stars to trail around the pole. A real world photo of the same areas detailing the parts .

Fire Tree

27 May 2019 26 14 466
I stayed past the time of moon rise to capture the moon as it rose through the tree but I found this that is better.

Low light

12 Aug 2018 8 4 318
I have been confined to my laptop as the desk top is playing up. I found this shot I had edited but never posted. I only had the 14mm but I was able to borrow my night shooter 16-35 mm lens. A look back in time.

Sullivan Rock- Do look on black

27 Aug 2019 6 2 342
Half way Up the huge Dome this will give you an idea of size, You cant miss Perth Either. Trucks and Cars provided the back lighting in the trees. 10 shots I put the 360 degree 14 shot on Flickr

At the Very Edge of Town : Do look on black

29 Sep 2019 12 12 345
Denham was going to be spot to get a Milky Way Bow as it is Dark but forecast clouds. This is 10 min walk from the hotel I did two others walking further down the beach away from the lights. I let the town lighting do the lighting of the foreground and all the navigation lights.

Wind Harp

29 Sep 2019 13 16 214
A sculpture on the foreshore Of Denham on the way home. I could not resist.

Carnarvon Dish

01 Oct 2019 10 3 173
A lot more info to read part of history.

Boulder Rock

03 Jan 2014 23 22 335
My first real Astro photo with some background, idea and small amount of experience. 2014 come a long way in 6 years . PIPS just some of the few photos of this Rock.

Do not adjust your computer.

14 Dec 2019 21 20 395
Smokey Moon from all the fires.

Milky Way

31 Dec 2019 12 7 317
I went hunting Orion but found it so high it was almost too hard to photograph. The photo I got inspires me to wait till next year to get it even better before posting.

Southern Orion.

31 Dec 2019 9 6 352
Take two Added PIPS are the two main Nebula groupings. sky tracked 4min Tree not tracked 4 min.

2am Mindarie beach

26 Feb 2020 10 10 537
After weeks and weeks of being clouded in when I got up at 1 am there was no clouds about. A view of Mindarie beach looking towards the South and Fremantle Glow. this is less than 5 min from home even a peak time. this is a full 360 degrees or 13 shots to get the whole way around. It was so hot I was sweating in shorts and singlet, Lightening inland and way out to sea. The shot was taken with a Haida 77mm clear night filter on my 16-35mm f4 lens as my first try with a Clear night filter to kill the light pollution. the filter was mainly bought for my deep space shots but was worth a go. While the light glow has been cut back the Milky way Bow in the shot is still effected by the whole light plume from the City Starts over the city and finished at the walk way to the beach. This was taken well within the City limits of the Northern end of Perth. this will be part of my normal night shooting but I have had to get a 150x 150 mm for the 14mm lens and modify a holder to take the filter.

On the Rocks

16 Mar 2020 15 13 481
First try with the 14mm lens and home modified holder to hold a 150 x 150 clear night filter. on my full size shot I can see the red of the Orion nebula highlighted by the filter. first real break in the clouds looking out to sea due west. Not an outstanding photos to most but a big step forward.

Mindarie Beach

16 Mar 2020 6 1 451
First try with the 14mm lens and home modified holder to hold a 150 x 150 clear night filter

Fremantle Monument

30 Dec 2014 29 44 313
A shot you would not get, taken from the top of the Fremantle Port Authority building. I was lucky one of our customers took me up and let me shoot some photos A truly elevated view.. Part of the back catalog as no moving about at the moment even here.

New Take on an Old theme.

28 Apr 2020 24 29 365
This is open but it would be best to choose a photo from the back catalog of yours for this HF In this time of trouble. My first night out of lock down I took Grandsons Girlfriend out under the stars as she had never seen the Milky way. Other than my photos and they are "never real", it is never like this. Oh but it is. The good part is I found some one willing to give a shot a go even if it meant standing still for two shots. Never write off a shot that never went the way "you planned it to go". Nothing like a night under the stars. A very complex set of lighting some not even planned for..............

2020 Please have your say which looks better to yo…

28 Apr 2020 12 4 354
Clear night filter and learning to edit the colours. Just which is better I tend to like the grey blue rather than the Rusty red from 2014 Auto WB. For those interested this a two shot horizontal vertical panorama you can see just how much the light pollution has moved since 2014

2014 Please have your say which looks better to yo…

28 Jun 2014 15 18 263
By way of comparison Auto WB. Andy Provided the Lighting as he could not get a photo ran out of battery. 2020 Clear night filter and learning to edit the colours. Just which is better I tend to like the grey blue rather than the Rusty red.

188 items in total