Sunset light painting

Night photos long exposure

Freo Prison Entrance

18 Jul 2017 10 12 394 i would recommend you read the link no this in no 20 century paradise. sad loss of panoramio and a hard drive photos all gone.

Busy night.

21 Oct 2017 18 22 575
I convinced my wife to come out with me and see the milky way for the first time in her life. we get to Lake Clifton to find about 15 people all over the walk way. the tide was high so the water in this lake also was much higher than i have seen before look at the PIP. Enjoy WA.

Stars on the water

20 Oct 2017 7 10 504
the night started out as windless but got progressively windy the only still water in the reeds.

Lake Clifton And Bow

20 Oct 2017 11 12 537
at the end of the jetty looks south to north. It sure was crowded but enjoyed the night. If you follow the line of the front railing you can see the burn off fire glowing in the sky. Contrast the Lay of the Emu in the milky way to the Eastern orientation in the PIP.

By way of instruction For those who want to try ge…

23 Oct 2017 14 16 432
The same 7 shots that i did in photo shop But in PT Gui . Find the joins but it is more work for you setting control points . result i believe speaks for it self and it works time after time. yes the panorama stitcher does matter for what you want to do. see if you can find my water bottle. hint go black

Down Town

09 Dec 2017 10 9 484
This part of the whole panorama of the city foreshore.

Auckland Panorama

09 Dec 2017 6 8 432
This was always one of my bucket list shots to get fine weather and the chance was a bonus. enjoy all 210 Degrees of view and the detail. for those technically minded 13 shots HORIZONTAL 85mm on the 24-120mm F4 5 degrees movement on the Tripod. perfect stitch in PTGui first time. Enjoy

Baylys Beach

11 Dec 2017 3 4 373
Baylys Beach town ship i walked down to the small River could not pass this opportunity up. Milky way is above the township Summer Milky Way.

Baylys Beach Full view

11 Dec 2017 4 3 469
The night started light cloud but waiting you get the clearest night . To the Left Maunganui Bluff to Right Pouto a full 360 degrees of view as the tide was coming in. Enjoy a black night in a new land.

Long walk Home : Mid Town

11 Dec 2017 22 32 868
End of the night it was a long climb home at 11:45pm me and the stars in the middle of the town.

Super moon over Fremantle.

02 Jan 2018 7 6 501
A very disappointing shoot the strong sea breeze was so strong the long lens got buffeted. enjoy best i got {:o(

High street all dressed up.

02 Jan 2018 6 2 309
Shining under the Super moon.

Moon Travel

26 Jan 2018 7 9 550
An exploratory shot for Wednesday and the total Eclipse 4 shots stacked. ISO 800 F8 2 min and 10 sec each shot with 600mm lens on DX so 900mm View. you can pick the moon gets brighter in this 9 min shot of the night sky.

Blood Moon under Milky way

01 Feb 2018 6 8 400
"The Lunatics on the Grass" Tom and Friend. the summer bow not a winter one so you only see a star ring on the right hand side and the colourfull core goes down. very windy night but over all quite pleased

Tree under the Moon

31 Jan 2018 8 8 524
the eclipse had only just started to move away but note how bight the moon is even a very tiny slither of light. My fav of the night even though no colour to the moon. PIP same tree different angle , time of years full winter Milky Way and very different lens.

Moon Rise

31 Jan 2018 11 6 469
Colourd by atmospherics

188 items in total