Sunset light painting

Night photos long exposure

The moon at total Eclipse.

Moon Rise to Total Eclipse

03 Feb 2018 40 45 1288
The three stages of an eclipse that a camera can measure and take photos from 51 shots. 2 Moon rise shot 4 Normal moon starting to eclipse 4Change from bright moon to Eclipsed moon 5 Final stage the colour of the total Eclipse For those of a technical mind this is made up of 24 shots to get this one photo. Background is part of the Milky Way Bow to provide a realistic back ground. The Moons are the size of the shot from the 600mm lens. Enjoy. Eclipse January 31 st 2018 PIP is from Eclipse 28/7/2018 between clouds

Time passages

17 Sep 2015 18 27 1067
ISO 2000 110 shots and 40 cars lit this shot i knew i would see car lights but not than many some time it better just to let what happens... the PIP is the inspiration for the shot here of time 24mm to 14mm this is the shot i was trying to make at night.

Natural Lighting

25 Feb 2018 11 13 571
A first Panorama of the milky way from 2015 in New Zealand From Bowen Town Pa From Same night as the PIP but well after this PIP before the start trail that i took before. this shot was the end of the night two horizontals not really the best way to do a panorama. enjoy.

City Of lights

National hotel

21 Dec 2013 9 10 530
14mm magic down two streets. my 'Moon over Bourbon street-'

Norfolk Hotel Door

Bathers Beach in the quiet

Round house

21 Dec 2013 17 19 412
Early in the morning wind and clouds.

Narrows bridge under moon light

27 Feb 2018 8 8 274
very strong wind

Matilda Bay

01 Mar 2018 10 14 474
You can see the strong wind on the water.

Market garden Swamp

01 Mar 2018 6 10 615
The full moon on the water i got here a bit later than i wanted to after our walk . you miss the insects and frogs in the area. the heart of our area completely surrounded by houses. snake territory next to the water in the grass Boots Long trousers and lots of movement while i was there. was it worth it....

Rainy Night in Freo

17 Aug 2015 14 16 1054
A night only WP lens 16-35mm F4, camera and umbrella PIP from the same night in a lull in the storm. Enjoy the sound of the falling rain.

Bush Bow

19 Mar 2018 13 12 597
This is plan B we got clouded out at plan A where wanted to go so we went local and no clouds. First Bow of the season. i like plan B a lot.

Emu in Landscape

19 Mar 2018 8 12 481
Last shot of the night wind was picking up.

The wind/ the stars/ time /trucks / milky Way is i…

24 Mar 2018 8 8 583
The wind/ the stars/ time /trucks / milky Way is it only me that is standing still.......... Joined by the tree {:o)

Day light Or Moon Light: Stony Hill 360 view

01 Apr 2018 6 10 263
8:30PM on a full moon look at the city of Albany reflected in the clouds. Full 360 of the area. my only chance on this trip to get an Astro shot and we got clouded in but i knew it was an interesting place so i went with my wife any way. so bright did not need a torch to see just to move the head of the tripod.

Albany Foreshore

01 Apr 2018 5 2 259
Under a full moon.

188 items in total