Sunset light painting

Night photos long exposure

Perth City Lights

26 Jun 2016 9 4 416
Perth, Western Australia, became known worldwide as the "City of Light" when city's residents lit their house lights and streetlights as American astronaut John Glenn passed overhead while orbiting the earth on Friendship 7 in 1962. The city repeated the act as Glenn passed overhead on the Space Shuttle in 1998.


27 Sep 2019 9 8 585
Milky way core

Milky Way Bow

03 Jul 2016 14 12 462
The best colour i have ever seen but very cold very clear after a cloudy day you can see the last of them bottom left of the bow. Enjoy

Mother & Child

30 Jan 2009 14 13 680
Just to show Old can be new again Slide film form the 70's. they don't light this up any more mores the pity. Love to get this on Digital.


25 Sep 2016 7 3 487
Same Rock night view and wider view

City Limits View

25 Sep 2016 8 15 612
The question is it worth travelling out into the real Darkness, this experiment in the city light loom but looking away due west and hidden from the lights you can see the sky still shows the effect of light. to the left Mandurah and the Right is the Kiwinana industrial strip where the rock got its lighting from. Better out in the Blackness more detail.

Dark Night Bow

07 Jun 2017 15 10 561
First ever try at a multi row shot of the Milky Way Bow, nothing auto about this all done on manual head. Enjoy this 1/5 the size of the original. Lighting was not perfect in this shot worth a look at the larger version. More learning gives this better version. single row version from the same shots.

By the light of Venus

31 Oct 2016 6 8 776
Sugar Loaf Rock at the very western edge of WA as the Milky way slips away till next year. 9 shot panorama This is best view full size on black background

Sugar Loaf Under the Night Sky

31 Oct 2016 5 2 423
All night long the streaks showed up in the photos three in the shot one above Venus and two on the right of Sugar Loaf.

Natures True Bonsai

31 Oct 2016 10 1 385
A shot i was glad my wife was not about to see how steep and how small the area was to even get close . Biggest part was to get the tripod to stand it was so steep but the true Bonsai could not go unrecognised in the stars. do open large.

Moon Over High St String of Pearls

14 Nov 2016 7 4 490
the iconic string of pearls in the blue hour. you can just see all the works around the tower.

Its only a Paper Moon

14 Nov 2016 6 8 367
you have heard the song 'Yellow Moon' here is the moon as it was.

Magellanic clouds

28 Nov 2016 15 22 428
The lighting is my car lights that lit the car park and the trees.

On the Rocks

19 Dec 2016 6 6 444
Not the Usual view you have seen from me but just as good.

Resting the Southern Pole

20 Dec 2016 9 8 910
The ISO 250 42 sec F2.8 set way down so as not to flood the sky with stars as per But the aim was to rest the polar circle on the top of the rock. no mean feat when the camera is 6" above the ground and you are laying on your side to see the image. the unmistakable cut of a very Iridium Flare135 images on a warm night showing a newbie the marvels of the heavens. i should have painted a bit more but i was otherwise detained but the view i was after some times it best to think out side the usual.

Old Friend revisited

19 Dec 2016 10 10 474
My first ever Astro photo was this rock still is a great place to bring beginners.More of an Over view of this rock and a way to hide the ever growing pollution of graffiti on the rock.

The Stars, The Milky Way And other things.

23 Jan 2017 11 8 551
A shot that sums up the whole night in one. Tom at work.

188 items in total