Search through Ronald Losure's photos

  Shooting date  /  2019   -   440 photos

« 2018    Jan Feb Mar April May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec    2020 »

  • Howlin Wolf Monument, West Point, Mississippi
  • "Slime Mold"
  • Unidentified fungus
  • Bald eagle on nest
  • Partial solar eclipse
  • Eclipse 2014
  • Hooded mergansers
  • Happy Birthday, Asker Garip
  • Daffodils
  • White-throated sparrow & female purple finch
  • 2019.01.21 02:58 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 05:45 UTC
  • 2019.01.20 06:08 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:15 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:22:27 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:25 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:29 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:33:11 UTC
  • 2019.01.21 06:39 UTC
  • Hermit thrush - Catharus guttatus
  • Purple finch - Carpodacus purpureus
  • American goldfinch - Carduelis tristis
  • Ducks departing pond
  • Frost on oak leaves
  • Garip in snow
  • Calm evening over the pond
  • Wood ducks
  • Hooded mergansers
  • Hooded mergansers
  • Branco being attentive
  • First garden flowers of spring
  • First garden flowers of spring
  • First garden flowers of spring
  • Daffodils
  • Daffodils
  • Helleborus
  • Daffodils
  • Cloudless sulfur butterfly
  • Brown thrasher
  • Great blue heron
  • Vultures on a cellphone tower
  • Blueberry flowers
  • Clivia flowers
  • Nectarine flowers
  • Chorus rehearsal
  • Asker Garip
  • Nectarine flowers
  • Beethoven 9th symphony dress rehearsal
  • Wild blueberry flowers
  • Frosty sunrise
  • Reflections on the pond
  • Claytonia virginica flowers
  • Peek-a-boo
  • Redbud flowers
  • Weiblicher Hirschkäfer
  • Nandina berries
  • Violet
  • Insect exoskelaton
  • Anole (Anolis carolinensis)
  • Bug on my hand
  • Iris florentina
  • Sweet-gum flower buds
  • The Moon
  • Oak flowers
  • Pond on a slightly foggy morning
  • Big Alligator #1
  • Maple seeds
  • Big alligator #2
  • Stupid photographer & big alligator #2
  • Dotted wolf spider
  • American toad
  • Azalea flowers
  • Downy Woodpecker
  • Butterfly on azalea flower
  • White-throated sparrow
  • Podophyllum peltatum
  • Aesculus pavia
  • Branco by the pond
  • Gray squirrel eating sunflower seeds
  • Erigeron strigosus
  • Erigeron strigosus
  • Baby painted turtle
  • Nothoscordum bivalve
  • White azalea

440 items in total