Amelia's photos

HFF from The Falkirk Wheel

11 Jul 2023 37 29 226
This canal boat was entering a lock leading from the Forth and Clyde Canal into the Falkirk Wheel basin. We watched as it was taken up to the next level, together with a tour boat, to the Wheel.

Kelpies with disappeared hills and sunshine

The Kelpies. Can you spot the swan?

11 Jul 2023 26 9 243
A rainy morning at the site kept everyone in the cafe or under awnings. The Kelpies still looked magnificent even in this dull weather. The first PiP shows the dramatic scenery behind The Kelpies. The second PiP shows The Kelpies in sunshine, but the hills behind have disappeared under clouds. The presence of people adds scale to the horses.

sc Peacock butterfly on Buddleia

SC hoverfly on sanguisorba

SC hoverfly on day lily

“To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.” – A…

23 Jul 2023 19 17 163
SC55 - post July 23 - a quote, saying or poetry PiP1: Hoverfly on Hemerocallis PiP 2: Hoverfly on Sanguisorba PiP Peacock butterlfy on Buddleia All these photos came from my garden today. I have had a lot of work to do since we came back ftom holiday a week ago, coping with the effects of storms, torrential rain and very windy conditions. Other suitable quotes include "Garden as though you will live forever." - William Kent. “Gardens are not made by singing ‘Oh, how beautiful,’ and sitting in the shade.” – Rudyard Kipling. "Gardening is easy. Stick it in the ground the right way up and most plants will grow perfectly well." - Monty Don

HFF from Wardie

09 Jul 2023 47 34 236
Early Sunday morning before the traffic gets busy.

Inchkeith island and lighthouse

09 Jul 2023 16 6 169
I's just possible to see the old (yellow) lighthouse on Inchkeith Island in the far distance in this photo. The island lies in the midst of the Firth of Forth, midway between Kirkcaldy to the north and Leith to the south. Due to the undulation of the Fife coast it lies substantially closer to Fife rather than Midlothian. In July 1561, Mary, Queen of Scots made Robert Anstruther captain of the island, in succession to the French Captain Lussaignet.She inspected the garrison, and a stone from the original gateway with "MR" (i.e. Maria Regina) and the date still exists, built into a wall below the lighthouse. The Forth Ports are preparing very ambitious proposals for the creation of Scotland’s largest and best located renewable energy hub on a 175 acre site at the Port of Leith – supporting Scotland’s economic recovery and energy transition plans and the achievement of Scotland’s net zero carbon emissions targets. This £40m private investment will see the creation of a bespoke, riverside marine berth capable of accommodating the world’s largest offshore wind installation vessels. Apparently it has been very noisy for the last few weeks due to pile driving. To find out more about Inchkeith please use this link: Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Lighthouse at Newhaven, with Inchkeith Island a m…

09 Jul 2023 16 11 152
Inchkeith Island has a most interesting history. Worth watching on You Tube. The deserted forts and buildings can be seen in the distance . The second video is shorter.

Granton Lighthouse

09 Jul 2023 21 11 165
Granton lighthouse is a shore-based lighthouse located on West Harbour Road in Granton, 2½ miles (4 km) north northwest of the centre of Edinburgh. It was built in 1874 as part of the Northern Lighthouse Stores and Buoy Yard. This was never an operational lighthouse, rather it was used for training purposes and to test new lights before they were transported to be fitted elsewhere.

Colourful cottages at Wardie Bay

09 Jul 2023 9 5 102
The iconic East Cottages on Lower Granton Road are a listed row of brick cottages built in the 1850s to accommodate workers in Granton Harbour. The terrace of cottages forms a unique and highly distinctive part of Edinburgh's waterfront.

Eider ducks and ducklings at Granton

09 Jul 2023 20 11 158
Taken against the sun, so not so easy to get details.

A nice morning at Wardie harbour looking over to T…

Lines and planes at the Botanic Gardens in Edinbur…

09 Jul 2023 23 18 176
The Sunday Challenge SC54: Lines and planes. This was taken inside a building that housed the restaurant. I have been to the 'Botanics' several times, but have never seem this staircase. The lunch served here was excellent.

HWW from Shrewsbury

01 Jul 2023 24 15 154
A "Wall Dial" on the gable end of Shrewsbury's Old Market Hall. Interestingly this Vertical Wall mounted dial plate only shows the hours 9 to 5, and is only useful when it gets some sun in the summer months. The Market Hall was built in 1596 by the Corporation of Shrewsbury and is one of Shrewsbury's finest buildings. It reflects the town's prosperity towards the end of the 16th Century and especially its emergence as a major regional centre for trading.

Merganser Family on the River Severn in Shrewsbury…

01 Jul 2023 25 14 154
There are only seven ducklings in this photo, but the PiP shows the female merganser with her nine ducklings. The group were quite far away in the river and swimming rapidly, the light wasn't very good, so consequently the photos aren't as sharp as I would like. We saw a pair of merganser here on the Severn earlier in the year, but this is the first time we have seen ducklings.

HBM from Chirk.

07 Jun 2023 33 23 179
What appears to be a stone bench is actually carved from wood. A 200 year old Cedar of Lebanon tree, was blown down down on the 23rd March 2014. The National Trust and the Chirk Castle family commissioned the celebrated wood sculptor, Simon O'Rourke, to use the trunk to create the bench to commemorate the beginning of the First World war, hence the poppies. The bench was completed in May 2014, and a new Cedar of Lebanon was planted nearby.. The first PiP shows the carved poppies on the bench. The second PiP show the trunk of the fallen cedar. The third PiP shows the history of the cedar and the bench in greater detail.

2285 items in total