Amelia's photos

Winter in Dirdal

Amsterdam oranges and lemons flags

The first touch of Autumn on Grasmere

08 Oct 2012 21 8 718
Grasmere is one of the smaller lakes of the English Lake District, in the county of Cumbria. It gives its name to the village of Grasmere, famously associated with the poet William Wordsworth, which lies immediately to the north of the lake. We were here for a long weekend for our Grandson's wedding and had marvellous weather for the time of year.

Canal reflections

The old road bridge at Brusand

Love may be eternal, but padlocks are not.

Revolving Torsion kinetic sculpture/fountain by Na…

Happisburgh coastal erosion

27 Oct 2014 9 11 844
The village of Happisburgh in Norfolk is being consumed by coastal erosion. The coastline on which the village sits is being eroded by the sea at a rate of 12 metres per year. I have been visiting this area for the past 3 years, and have seen this rapid deterioration with my own eyes. Buildings have toppled down the cliffs, and caravan sites have had to be moved. A new car park has had to be constructed - the last one is no longer there. The sea is relentless, and the cliffs are very fragile. On the day this photo was taken, the sea was quiet, but storms last winter caused much devastation.

Montford Bridge over the River Severn

Euston Road

26 May 2011 5 4 746
UNISON is one of the UK's largest trade unions, serving more than 1.3 million members.

#7 Sunrise on Hafrsfjord

01 Dec 2009 40 21 1140
I spent a very chilly couple of hours on the first day of Advent, watching the sun slowly rise on the calm water of this fjord.

Grass of Parnassus. Parnassia palustris

11 Aug 2011 30 16 1234
A flower of cold beauty and a symbol of 'the wilderness and wetlands'. Also known as the 'bog star', it isn't actually a grass at all, belonging to an entirely different botanical class. It isn't a common flower, although possibly many people would miss it as it is so tiny.

Russula emetica

02 Oct 2009 34 19 1436
Commonly known as the sickener, emetic russula, or vomiting russula gives you some idea of the effects of eating this fungus. I think the red colour is enough to warn one.

Upstairs Downstairs

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