Rob's favorite articles

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    Praia da Rocha
    the swimming pool and the sea are at a dive distance and the insidious wave of heat covers our skin as if it was sweat in the beach blind from bright light deaf by salt crystals in the ears and dumb by so many people amazement knees in water and my back to the India sea route astonished I behold buildings planted on the cliff pulsating mirages of Portugal a piscina e o mar estão à distância de um mergulho e o calor insidioso cobre a nossa pele como se fosse…

  • 2021-12-24 Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas 2021
    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, Today, we would like to thank you all for being a part of our community. We are grateful for your loyalty, and dedication as you share your passion for photography with us, especially during this unusual year. We wish you and your families a p…

  • Well today has been busy but a fun day.....

    Moon through the window 25.5.21
    At long last a warm and sunny day!!! It's been a glorious day with blue sky and the odd tiny cloud skudding across the sky. I had the lounge window open all day which was fantastic. Last night I could see a wonderful full moon so that sort of gave me a clue that today would be a good day.... I know it's not crystal clear etc. but I couldn't go out to take the picture, so this is from my couch. I'd ordered some plates for the resin pendants to be on, but I misunderstood the sizing!!!!…

  • Well Christmas is over - now we have the New Year coming

    High tide at Northam Burrows.
    My Christmas was a very quiet one, as you might imagine - being on my own. I did try and make a roast beef dinner, but the enjoyment went out of it - having it just for me - but as per usual - the beef has been enjoyed ever since in various disguises!!!!! Apart from today - I was visited by Richard from next door, and he brought a couple of portions of turkey. Apparently he had been given a few portions that were left over from a friend of his, who is a chef, and he decided to put the portio…

  • ⚠️ COVID-19 Help Offer / Offre d'aide / Unterstützungsangebot

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! Our COVID-19 deferral offer from last Friday has triggered an even more ambitious member initiative. Donations were offered to help those who have financial difficulties paying for due subscription renewals as a result of the Corona crisis. We welcome this initiative and make the following arrangement: ▶️ Aid can be granted for subscription renewals that are becoming due, up to no more than 30 days in advance. ▶️ The prerequisite is a…

  • 2020-01-24 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Since the option of taking out multi-year subscriptions with ipernity has been available, more than 100 club members have made use of it. We would like to thank them all for the confidence they have expressed in the future of ipernity by this. 2) As a result of these multi-year subscriptions, more than 11,000 EUR have been contributed into the club treasury ahead of schedule. In order to place this liquidity advantageously, we are convertin…

  • Thank you folks

    I just wanted to thank you all who wished me a happy birthday. I had a lovely day, both of my neighbours popped in with cards and pressies, my daughter rang from Turkey and both she and her hubby wished me happy birthday. Then my son and his kids sang a lovely birthday song on Skype. He couldn't come up as his wife has just had an operation and she's in bed convalescing, so he can't leave her alone for another week. The day was gorgeous - sunny and just a slight breeze, however yesterday it s…


    In fact I tell you the truth an intense light from nuclear explosion still guides the Magic Kings of the night in the way to the crib of dreams that often dye in the manger cradle. (to read the Portuguese version click on the picture) En vérité je vous dis vraiment qu'une lumière intense d'explosion nucléaire oriente encore les Rois Mages de la nuit au chemin de la crèche de rêves qui meurent fréquemment dans la mangeoire berceau. by Armando TABORDA,…

  • My octofloops have found a good home!!

    The better octofloop
    Emily contacted me yesterday to say that her daughter, Ruby, was in love with her octofloops. I'd made the big one for her Christmas present, but because I'd already cut the other one out, I gave it to her as well. Emily sent me this picture of the main octofloop after having been unwrapped ..... I was pleased by how it came out..... I think they look rather cute together - and apparently Ruby thought so too. I was very touched that she was so happy with them, because I know she's…

  • A very happy Christmas to everyone

    I've even come down the chimney for you!!!
    Just wanted to drop in and say a very happy Christmas..... See I even came down the chimney for you. There's no snow this year - but my wishes are the same to you all - happy Christmas folks. I do love you all, and just want to thank you for all your uplifting comments and friendship. Please enjoy this season and may I wish you all a very prosperous, healthy and happy New Year.

  • A Very Happy and Healthy 2020!

    I want to thank all my ipernity friends for the friendship you show and all your beautiful photos and works of art! You have enriched my life and I hope I have in some small way done the same for you. May 2020 be even better for us all!

  • Reposting

    I downloaded a lot of full size photos from Ipernity when the 100 gig cap was introduced. I did miss having them on Ipernity so this week i have been reducing the size of the photos and posting them back into Ipernity. The process is now complete and I have the photos back on Ipernity. They are all in albums and I find it easier to look for albums when I want to find a photo. I hope I will be able to get out now with my camera and start to add new photos this week.

  • I've finished the pony - but it's not for a baby!!!!!

    The start of the pony - empty carcass
    I was mentioning me making soft toys to our Mickey the other week, and he said - "Oooh I'd love a horse or pony!!". To say this surprised me is an understatement. Still I've really appreciated his friendship over these last 12 years or so, and the fact that we still talk to each other every night for an hour, shows just how precious our friendship is. Needless to say, I decided immediately to make him a horse. It started with a donkey, but the instructions were quite awkward and so I changed…

  • 2019-10-11 Newsflash

    Multi-Year Subscriptions
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The maintenance of the servers at Amazon Web Service (AWS) last Wednesday did not interfere with ongoing operations. 2) The cleanup of invisible content as well as oversized audio and video files from old Guest Accounts is completed. Approximately 1.25 million files were deleted. As a result, 3.5 Terabytes of S3 memory was released at AWS. The expected annual budget relief is 1,750 EUR . 3) The ima team has decided to pass some of…

  • Am I a lucky son of a gun or what???

    Emily (bless her heart) cutting my lawn
    Today I was fully intending on cutting my lawn for the first time this year. All I was going to do was to ask Emily if she would carry the mower from the hall out into the garden, so I could cut the grass. She said she'd certainly take it out for me, but there was no way she'd let me cut the grass as she was perfectly able to do so. So while I was trying to think of a way of thanking her - she was out there cutting the lawn - it only took her 10 minutes and it would have taken me over a couple o…

  • Well the warm weather is over for a while.....

    A panorama of the view from my lounge window
    We had some glorious weather these past few days - such a contrast compared to the cold spell we'd suffered since February. Still I suppose all good things have to end or at least pause, otherwise we wouldn't be so in awe of it. I don't know if having the warm February caused the plants in my garden to really flourish, but this year has seen the blossom and wild flowers go into overdrive. I've never seen this apple blossom outside my lounge look so beautiful and I've been taking loads and loa…

  • de - Liebe - eine Geschichte - de eo fr en it hu es cz jap nl bg

    Canaletto-Blick auf Pirna 2015
    Diese Geschichte veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 15.09.2008 Liebe - eine Geschichte eo - en - fr - es - pt - it - bg cz - hu - cn - jap - rus - nl 1…

  • 2019-01-01 Happy New Year!

    [Deutsch] [Français] Report of the advisors Happy New Year! Dear members and friends of ipernity! In December two years ago we received the bad news that the "eternity" of ipernity should be over after only 10 years of operation. Today, ipernity still exists - thanks to your commitment and loyalty, as well as the great commitment of some volunteers who are active as ima-Team for ipernity. As consul…

29 articles in total