Well my new microwave has come and it looks so small compared with my other one - which was a catering one I think.

This morning I had to move my old microwave out and boy was it heavy - I gingerly put it on my trolley which was dicey to say the least. Luckily I could get the trolley directly underneath the worktop and slid the microwave off onto the trolley. I didn't really appreciate the weight until I had to lift the trolley wheels over the lip of the door to take it out to the car. Have you ever tried to push an extremely heavy wheeled trolley over gravel? It's not easy I can tell you - I ended up with gouges in the driveway which had to be spread back with my shoes.

Then I got to the car, opened the back door and tried to get the microwave off the trolley and onto the back seat - this was the moment when I realised the weight of it. I was standing there with a half on/half off microwave and a back seat of a car at an awkward angle. Even at this time, I can't see how I did it - I do know that my back really isn't happy with me - anyway suffice to say, the microwave is on the back seat of the car ready for me to take it to the recycling place. I'm relieved to say that there are burly men there who will take it out of the car for me!!!!

It was only when I went back into the kitchen with an empty trolley did I see the space left on the worktop where the old microwave had been. As my new one was due in roughly an hour, I set to cleaning the top, although to be honest - it wasn't that bad at all.

The delivery man let me know that the new one had arrived, by a cheery "Hiya - I'm here" and I was left with a large box and gaffer tape all over it saying 'Fragile' on the kitchen table.

I unpacked it and then realised that I'd have to lift it from the kitchen table onto the worktop. I managed it, because it wasn't half as heavy as the old one.

It looks lovely but it takes up such a lot less space than the other one. Also - when you look at it's lovely shiny door - I do have to ask myself if this was a bright idea of mine. Because it's facing the room and as you can see it shows every mark, that means I have to be constantly cleaning it - hmmmm probably not one of my best ideas this.

Well tonight I tried it out and it worked fine - it would probably have been better if they'd remembered to send a manual!! Anyway it's pretty straight forward so I managed to cook some baked potatoes - well to start them off really they are now in the main oven crisping up.

Mandi sent me two more pictures today - one is where Dogan found her sleeping this morning on the couch with Billy on her head. She'd got up early and went into the lounge so as not to wake Dogan up and fell back asleep.

I think it looks so cute and then later on - both Billy and Alfie decided to have a quick snooze and Alfie diced with death by lying with his face rather close to Billy's rear end. I just hope Billy hadn't been eating anything he shouldn't and didn't have 'wind', that would have been fatal to Alfie............

Okay that's all for now - I hope you are all fine - am going to have a rest now cos my back really doesn't like me at the moment