Guess what? Is there something wrong with me or what? First my DVD recorder went completely belly-up and I can't record nor even play DVD's...... but as I don't need it, I haven't replaced it.

Then, as you know, my microwave went and now I had to get a new one . Last week my washing machine decided to throw out water onto my kitchen floor - and having an old carpet on the floor, it took me ages with my Vax to suck up all the water. I got a plumber round to look at it and apparently the sump hose had split - not too bad a job apparently. So I looked around trying to find the part and my new neighbour had offered to try and fix it for me to save me paying for another engineer.

The kitchen smelled of wet dog, which wasn't pleasant - but I discovered that if I just put it on a half wash, hardly any water came out. So this morning I wanted to do a small wash and duly switched it all on and .... nothing!!!!

I tried and tried and eventually accepted that it wasn't going to work again. So I had to buy a new one - now I'm a pensioner and I don't have this kind of money floating around so I had to use my catalogue - it means I pay more for it but on a monthly payment plan which I can afford better. I threw caution to the wind and paid for an engineer to not only connect it for me, but to take the old one away - I did learn from my mistake with the old microwave.

Now they do say 'things come in threes' - this is the third one so I really don't need any more big things going wrong please.

To make me feel a bit better - I repotted the new petunia plants I bought a couple of days ago......

There are flowers already on the plants which is nice - then I noticed a lovely tiny snail meandering across the lip of the pot.......

I also saw that some pink aqualegia was sprouting in the driveway - it doesn't care where it grows - and because it's so pretty - I just leave it to do so...

My saxifrage from last year has managed to survive - well some of it anyway - it doesn't look as nice as it did before, because the middle bit is brown and not the lovely yellowy green....

Some lilies are also budding - so hopefully there will be some colour soon.....

Whilst indoors in the kitchen on the window sill, my white rose is still growing and this year I have 6 buds - three of which have already opened up.........

No smell I'm afraid - but it is pretty.

Okay enough for today - am considering having a vodka and coke to cheer me up - but not sure if there's any vodka left.............. LOL. I know I have some coke though