Today was a glorious day and as I hadn't been out since I drove back from the airport, I thought it would be a good idea to visit the beach again because the weather forecasters are talking about rain visiting us for the next few days - well at least until Saturday.

So off I went - lovely and warm and I had the window down and the radio up and it was so exhilarating having the wind blowing and not feeling frozen.....

The tide was half out........

There were a few intrepid would-be surfers trying to catch a wave, although the waves were few and far between and what did come was very small - in fact the splashes they made were tiny......

I had to smile at the seagulls lining up at the water's edge - don't know what they were waiting for..........

There was a wind surfer trying his stuff, and with the wind - he was moving at a good pace.......

After about half an hour, I came home - it was a tad too windy........... LOL

Once I arrived home, I saw that I'd got a new rose out......

and a hollyhock............

and my lycesteria formosa, despite being 'culled' by Fred the Shed last year - has grown beautifully and there are the beginnings of the flowers.....

I've bought about 18 petunia plants and 5 dahlia bulbs, so they'll be planted out when the weather breaks - great to be having some colour soon.

Hope you all have a great day today and a great week to come