No easing up yet of the cold wind here, and I really didn't feel like going out in this weather. So while the car was running - to charge the battery - I decided to inspect the driveway to see if any new growth was appearing......

There were...........

As you can see - there are loads of primroses and primulas - and they haven't kept themselves to just the edges of the driveway - oh no - they've decided to infiltrate the middle too. Shows you how often the driveway is used - LOL...

Not only the primroses neither.........

Small violets and some tiny forget-me-nots were there. Also some bluebells look as if they are going to bloom too...........

There is a bush growing to the side and I really don't know what kind of bush it is, but at this time of year, it has some lovely little flowers............

They are lovely............

Then I looked again at the tulips which are still closed up, but the colour is starting to be really quite definite...........

Obviously I had to have help - two pussy cats decided to inspect the land too .....

Boo came, although she doesn't like going up the complete drive - she tends to stop half way up thank heavens.......

Then Pippin realised that I wasn't in the house and came out to greet me in his usual way of rolling over...........

No wonder he looks dischevelled when he comes in sometimes - especially last night - it was raining and he came in announcing that he was wet and could I please dry him and while he was doing that - he was pacing up and down on the glass coffee table - lovely [NOT] - so I'm forever wiping and cleaning the glass.