The sun was shining beautifully today - I decided that I'd pop out down to the beach, just for a few minutes - but when I poked my head outdoors - brrrrrrrrrr the wind was strong and freezing............

I know they warned that it would be chilly, but chilly wasn't exactly the phrase I'd have used - damn freezing was closer to it.

Anyway I went out and decided to go on the back roads to Westward Ho, it was lovely and quiet and I took a couple of photos when I stopped for a couple of minutes, but the best picture would have been the banks of primroses - unfortunately I couldn't stop there for the pics, I'd have blocked the road completely..............

As you can see - the road isn't exactly wide...........

There were many trees which had been 'tidied up' and they looked good................

There is a small stream going under the tiny bridge and wild garlic covered the banks ...............

What a lovely peaceful field - so quiet there.............

I then started to go towards Westward Ho. Didn't think about the biting wind at all - duhh.......

It was lovely there but boy did it feel as if it was cutting you in half. I managed to stay there for about 20 minutes before I had to conceded defeat and get back into the warmth of the car.

It was a quick drive back home, except when I got to within sight of the driveway and the road was blocked by repair trucks ........... grrrrr ............ now they're starting to repair the road here - they just seem to be creating more mess than clearing it.

I got home eventually and could see that my pots and the driveway were starting to show promise that there will be colour soon........

I'm still trying to get warm but I'm fighting a losing battle methinks. My hands are like ice - so I'm going to have to switch the fire on... stay warm folks