Mandi is due home tomorrow - which is both a joyous and sad occasion. I'm so looking forward to seeing her again and having her home, but at the same time, sad that she has to come home and then the hassle of the Social Services and other problems begin again. She skyped me and I could see lovely sun in the back shining against the wall, mind you - this afternoon the sun visited us and as I write now, there is blue sky with little puffy white clouds.

She loves living there in Yaşi [pronounced Yashi] - well who wouldn't like this on their doorstep............

It's even quite warm - even the beach dogs needed to cool off.........

She's also had her hair cut out there - at a fraction of the cost here and all she did was show the hairdresser a picture of what she'd like done, and away he went and she said that it's the best haircut she'd ever had.

She had the usual wash and conditioner as well as a couple of coffees whilst she was there, then after the cut, a blow dry and style...... I love it......

Meanwhile here in chilly UK, the sun has at last visited us and I decided to pop out into the garden and inspect the pots etc............

The white lilac is showing promise already - the buds are sprouting all over the branches and it will only be a matter of weeks before they're covered in gorgeous pungent white flowers...........

The tulips are starting to unfurl and they are showing promises of gorgeous flowers. Pinks, creams and yellows are ready to paint the pots...........

There are lots of daffodils already putting their heads into the sun - a lovely display of bright yellow...........

I bought a little variegated plant last year and didn't realise that it would produce delicate blue flowers, so that's a bonus............

A brave early visitor was spotted delicately trying to negotiate a way through the long blades of grass..............

A whole host of blue grape hyacinths have appeared under the lounge window - last couple of years have only shown a few plants - this year however..............

My lawn needs cutting and these daisies have decided to take advantage of the lull of no mowing......................

The clumps of primroses are now growing in the lawn, it's really pretty and I'll leave them there until they've finished flowering............

Finally some gorgeous delicate pink primulas are growing in between the yellow primroses.

All in all folks, this is my favourite time of the year - I just love inspecting the garden for the little flowers growing there to tell us that warmer weather is on its way.

I wish you all a very happy Easter. Tomorrow - I'm driving around 100 to 150 miles to the airport to collect Mandi - I only hope my leg manages it........... LOL