I know lots of you are probably living where it's even colder, but to me who's been indoors since last Thursday, it was a shock to the system when I went out today. I had to go to the doctors for my annual review - all was well, so that's it for another year.....

As I was already out, I thought I'd see what the sea looked like. It was very grey and even at times I couldn't see the horizon because the sky and sea were the same colour.

The wind was really biting and very strong at times. I only managed to stay there for about 5 minutes before my hands felt like they were about to drop off.

As you can see the seaweed was plentiful - being churned up in the waves. Once the warm weather comes though - someone will be walking up and down the beach clearing all the debris away...........

There were some brave seagulls who attempted to fly but they were being blown about all over the place - others decided they didn't fancy that and so stayed floating on the water.

I do hope it won't be long before I can stay longer there. I've missed it, but to be honest it was too damn wet and cold to go a'visiting the seaside.