I was so aware of the hail because it made such a noise against the window and then I heard them coming down the chimney!!!! It had to be a heavy one then!!

Anyway the next day (yesterday) I went out into the area by the kitchen, and I was so surprised at the amount of hail still showing. It had been about 9 hours since it came down, but if that didn't convince me that it was cold - what else could?

This is quite a big amount which must have completely covered the watering can, because it was still there after 9 hours!!!

These pots were just outside the back porch, and in the second picture, there are two onions growing!! I have a feeling they're probably past their best, but you never know!!!

However - inside the back porch I have a cabinet which serves as somewhere to put the pots of hyacinths. One of my neighbours keeps giving me hyacinths for Christmas and when they've stopped blooming, I stick them out into the porch, to gather themselves for re-blooming in a year's time. I think I'll get one of my large troughs and re-plant them together and then I'll have a tremendous display come Christmas. Hopefully!!

This is just a quickie - it's gone really cold now - dropped to 4C (39F) and that IS cold, if you don't have central heating. So for the first time since last winter - I've actually put the fire on!!

Okay folks - please take care of yourselves. Please stay safe and if you're in lockdown (like we are in the UK) - it's all for a good reason (keep telling yourself that!). Have a great weekend coming.