Mandi's latest brood of kittens are starting to make themselves known and have decided that they prefer the lounge and also they have grabbed Mandi's part of the couch for their own!!!!

Mandi took these pictures to show mum, Fluff, making the kittens at home on Mandi's jumper on the couch......

So Mandi is now all squashed up on the part of the couch that's vacant. Dogan has his own part of the couch, and he manages to have it all to himself, until he went to sleep!!!..

One of the little kitties decided to venture forth and try out Dogan's neck, to see if it was a good place to sleep. It obviously was because it stayed there until Dogan woke up. He was quite happy to see the kitten all snuggled up there. Later on, however, the kitten realised that he had to move, because Dogan was sitting up, and so he found the hood of Dogan's jacket, the perfect place for a good sleep.

Having a male cat, I don't get the kittens anymore!!! Still she'll have to find them homes and there are loads of them in Turkey!!!!

I wish you all a safe week and stay healthy please.