Just a quickie, in case you had heard of that awful earthquake in Turkey today. Luckily it didn't affect Mandi too much. She told me that the electric was the first to go, then without much time, she suddenly was thrown around her room. Luckily she was close to the tv, which had suddenly started to wobble!!!!, so she grabbed it to prevent it from falling over.

Dogan rushed home to check she was okay. Although Izmir is about 2 hours away from them, they are on the same fault-line, so feel it too. The reason so many people died in Izmir was probably due to the fact that they have high skyscrapers. Whereas where Mandi and Dogan live, the local law is that they can't build over 2 floors in height, so therefore - not many of them have any damage when earthquakes strike. So apart from the obvious ornaments etc falling off units, there is rarely any damage to the houses. Thank heavens.

Anyway - she rang me this afternoon to tell me that they were fine, scared but fine. It was the worst one either of them had experienced, but they were safe. They've had a couple of aftershocks since then - but each one is slightly less than the previous one. She's getting used to them now, but today's was a particularly bad one.

I wish you all a very safe and calm weekend.