Hiya folks,

Sorry I haven't been writing much here, but with this lockdown going on - I'm not going out much neither!!!! So I've been making resin pendants to give to people for Christmas and then I have to make some things for the men in the group who have helped me - they won't be wearing pendants will they? LOL - maybe some paper weights or key rings - have to think about that!!

I made these today - I quite like the colours here. Mandi has asked me to do her colours like this, and shapes like this - so maybe these will be going to Turkey!!!

The other ones I finished a couple of days ago were like this......

I love the red flowers - so I made quite a few of them - though I suppose some of these might just go for pressies!!!

So I feel pleased that they have turned out like this. I've got lots more molds and epoxy resin - so I'll go mad!!! I've also bought silver chains to go with the pendants and ordered some small little velvey bags, to put them in. Oh I've hopefully thought of everything. As for my family - I'll be giving them gift cards, because their tastes change all the time, and I can't keep up. So okay - it looks as if not a lot of thought has gone into that - but isn't it much better to give them the money so they can get exactly what they want?

I hope you are all well and keeping socially distant. I've been having some physio in my home to help with my breathing etc. - the poor girl comes to my home with mask, plastic facial covering (which kept steaming up - so she had to keep wiping it down inside), an apron, latex gloves and shoe coverings!!! I didn't have anything - well I don't go out, so there's no need for any.

Okay folks, please look after yourselves - please stay safe. Have a great week following.