After my neighbour had put up a model owl on his roof, the seagulls had kept away, which was a shame cos I love them there. I could understand why he did that - because one of the chicks had fallen off the roof a couple of years ago and he was walking around our gardens and the parents were divebombing anyone who went near him. Anne's grandchildren were there at the time and playing in the garden, so she was scared that the parent seagulls would attack the children. So I do understand that - but the children aren't there anymore.

So I've become used to not hearing the gulls calling each other - I do love the sound. Anyway imagine my surprise when Anne told me that she and her husband Peter have been enjoying looking up at my chimney pots to see the chicks. Chicks..... what chicks? She said that they'd seen three up there, but could only see two now.

So this afternoon I thought I'd go and see if I could spot them....

I did manage to see the two chicks - there may have been a third but he was keeping his head down if he was there......

You can see it's either mum or dad keeping an eye on them....

This one seemed to be the brave one - having a look around his home.......

They are quite sweet and the nest looks a good one. How they managed with the high winds we've had lately I just don't know.

Aren't they sweet? I just hope they don't fall off the roof.