My driveway is a total mess - I haven't been able to get out to sort it out, and I haven't seen Fred the Shed for ages. Peter, my neighbour, was going to mow the middle of my driveway, but he forgot to bring the long extension lead from his son's home, but hopefully some time this week coming, he'll be out there strimming away and making it tidy.

That damn goosegrass [Sticky Willies] is all over my log store - I just can't believe how quickly it's grown and how bad it looks - so I got out my weed killer and proceeded to spray the whole area and hopefully it'll look different in a couple of days and then it'll only need raking up and putting on a bonfire........

I mean just look at it - all that will soon be gone - but with the rain and then the sun and then the rain - it's been heaven for these weeds. The wind is rather cold still though - so I didn't fancy being out there for long.

My cornflower is looking good though and this year I've got about 20 of them dotted around the garden which is about 10 more than last year.......

Meanwhile my purple campanula is still flowering and there are about 4 stalks now, which is good. It gives a good splash of colour........

I then turned up the driveway - oh my............... the middle of the lane is absolutely covered with weeds, daisies, other little flowers - but it looks really poor -

As you can see - the weeds etc have taken over - again it's all because of the weather we've had. The cats enjoy it though - and it is colourful in it's way.......

Poking their heads over the fence, Anne's lovely bush looks gorgeous. A great splash of colour...........

Then I noticed that I have quite a few wild gladioli - they are pretty, and they've decided to flower against the fence and wall - okay by me - they're pretty and free...

Finally the milkweed is filling any and every spare spot on the walls and giving a lovely splash of pink. Again it's called a weed, but I like this kind of weed.

There again Mandi has a gorgeous 'weed' as it's considered in Turkey..........

Now I wouldn't mind having a weed looking like this - no not at all.