First of all I want to congratulate our Mickey on becoming a great grand-dad, although to be fair he didn't really do anything to get to this state - well he did originally I suppose to get his son, but that was about it. However I do congratulate his grand-daughter and her partner on the birth of their first child. Wonderful.......

Yesterday it had stopped raining at last and there were some spates of sunshine, that I thought I'd get out and about - firstly by going to the recycling plant with my old microwave and a large cardboard box full of........... cardboard. It's been about two months since I was last there and they've decided to move certain things around - which to me doesn't completely make any sense. There used to be a large skip for cardboard, which was next to the plastics, and the bottles and newspapers - now that made sense but no they've moved it.

So I wondered where I could put the microwave, and noticed the televisions were next to the plasterboard and tyres - [don't ask] and the microwave was right at the top of the site next to ..... yep the cardboard. Now I'm sure there's a rationale to this but for the life of me - I can't see it.

Anyway a nice man came along and took the microwave for me - thank heavens because there is no way I'd have managed it on my own, and another man came along and took the cardboard box away for me too.

Now I'd heard from my delivery man that the road down from my home was closed for repairs but didn't know when it would be open. So on my way home, I said to myself that if I could go straight home then I would, but if the road was closed and I'd have to go on a diversion then I would go out for a few minutes to the river or beach. I drove towards my road and all was clear, so I thought that I was obviously going to go home but just a few yards short of my road, the dreaded red sign saying 'road closed' appeared and the awful yellow sign saying 'diversion' that I thought okay - I'm off to the beach. On the way there, I realised the time - 4.30pm on a Friday - and the boatbuilding yards close earlyish and there were loads of cars. So I went off piste as it were - I went to the river instead.

The tide was out........

This is looking down river towards Instow where I'd considered going.

There was a slipway of sorts where you could take your boat to the river. There was a lovely red boat, but it was sort of beached or should I say 'mudded'.

There were some lovely aqualegia nearby and it was a gorgeous dark red...

At the bottom of the road is the old Lime Kiln house - it's a lovely looking house and it has some lovely lobelia spreading all over the walls......

I only stayed about 30 minues enjoying the sun, and then it was time to go back to reality - home. LOL