de - fr - es - it - eo

Part 3

About the life after death
the apple-orange metaphor

From the book by Neale Donald Walsch
"Home with God - In a Life that Never Ends"
(page 171)

The amazing metaphor

- Neale -

"The Other Side"
Of course. Interesting metaphor.
Okay, and what's on "the other side?"


Another reality.

- Neale-

Different how?

- God -

Completely different.
So different, it's as if the apple
has become an orange, as it were.
This is what we want to call the spiritual realm,
and compared to that, the physical world would be -



( own note:
to the English idiom "apples with oranges"
corresponds in German to the expression "apples with pears")

-Neale -

don't tell me. I do.
It would be like comparing
apples with oranges.
I'm beginning to keep up with your word and image games.

- God...

Good. That's good. Play with thoughts and ideas.
Never let it degenerate into work.
Play with them. And play with life...

(page 173)

- Neale -

Okay, so we're talking about comparing
apples to oranges and how things are
and things being what they are.
Now I'm
- in the context of this metaphor.
from the physical world to the spiritual realm.
and have travelled through the core of my being,
to get here.
When I enter this other reality,
when I get to the "other side" of the centre..,
what happens then?

- God -

How your experience of knowledge,
you get there turns out to be,
depends on how you leave the centre.
when you release your problems
and leave them in the core area,
you will feel "centred",
because you haven't taken your "core problems" with you.

If you don't release them,
if you just don't want to let them go,
you're going to have all those core issues
that you haven't completely detached from..,
to the "other side".
There you will confront them again
and have the chance
to deal with them there.

If you have put an end to your life
with the conscious intention of escaping these core issues,
to escape these core issues,
you will not escape them...
and you will not avoid them,
but you will choose to turn around...
and return to the physical world,
take the same time tunnel...
and go through the same experiences
through the same experiences all over again.

-Neale -
What do you mean,
when you speak of "core problems"?

- God -

Core issues can be the fear
of being abandoned,
or not being worthy or good enough,
or the idea
of inadequacy or separateness
or any one of a whole series of
of misconceptions
that you may have about yourself.

Ultimately, all the core issues revolve
revolve around one issue: your identity.
They may take different forms,
but ultimately they all boil down to
The One Question That Is There .
Who Am I?

(page 175)

- God -

Your experience in the core area WILL
be one of perfect self-knowledge.
It doesn't get more perfect than that.
But you can choose,
any problems that you have,
or not.
It depends on where you want to go from there,
where you want to go from there.
What you want to know and get to know.
What kind of experience you want to have.


(page 178)

- Neale -

What is it, then, that is so profoundly impressive,
that I encounter in the core of my being?

- God -

The True Self, the Complete Self.
And the glory and wonder
of Who You Are and What Life Is.
In short, God.

- Neale -

And what does that look like? What is it like?

- God -

I will describe that to you later,
within the limits
of our present communication possibilities
it can be described at all.
For the moment, it would be most useful
if we continue with our metaphor.

(page 179)

- Neale -


- God -

Then when you reach the outer limit
"the other side"
- that is, when you have pushed the knowledge you have gained
as far as you can go in the realm of knowledge,
as far as you can go in the realm of knowledge,
then, metaphorically speaking.
you turn around and come back.
You traverse the spiritual realm one more time
and now, with all the knowledge you have attained
The core of your being.
You bring your knowledge back to the core of your being,
to dedicate yourself to the most sacred process:
The re-creation of your Self
in your next greatest vision
at the core level.
In this moment of Free Choice
you make the decision, based on all of your knowing
the decision of what you would like to experience next
of Who You Are,
by bringing it into physical expression.

After you have once again gone through the experience of
of the Perfect Immersion and Merging
- the experience of being one with God -
one with God,
you are now prepared to be reborn.

- Neale -

So I leave the "orange"
and return to the "apple"?
I leave the "spiritual"
and return to the physical?

- God -


- Neale

Why? Why would I want to do that?

- God -

So that what you have gained in knowledge,
on the experiential level.
Knowing something and experiencing it on the experiential level,
are two very different things.


(page 218)

- Neale -

Then why should I bother with these endless marches
through the apple orange?

- God -

Your journey is not an endless SEARCH for God,
it is an endless EXPERIENCE of God.
Understood in this way, the reason
for this perpetual journey becomes apparent.
The journey is a process.
It is the way, the means, the method,
by which you know and experience God
- yes, through which you know and experience yourself
AS the Divine.
This journey is therefore your greatest joy


Part 4 - en - On the life after death -
the core and the short walk
