Reading these articles requires curiosity and patience.
Many things were new and unfamiliar to me too.

de - fr- es - it - eo

Part 1

About dying and death


Cornerstone of life - but not of love and gratitude

Preliminary remarks

People have always had the desire to
to know more about dying and death.

All religions had an answer to this.


And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes

The God-believers said:
Of course there is life after death.
They called it 'heaven'.
in general, a peaceful life awaited the deceased.

The agnostics said and say:
I can't know anything about that
and I will never be able to know anything about it.

The atheists said and say:
After death, everything is over.
there is nothing more.


In the eastern religions there is the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'.
We would say today:
It is an accompanying preparation in the dying process for death.



About life after death

In the book 'At Home in God - About Life after Death' from 2006
published in 2006
Neale Donald Walsch addresses this topic.
He asks 'God' for an answer.
God gives him this answer:


- God-

You have the experience of a three-dimensional world,
but you do not live in one.
The Ultimate Reality is far more complex
than you may have ever imagined.

Page 166/167


Ok. I think that words will soon
won't get us very far at all.
Let's see if a "metaphor" can help,
help you visualize what we're talking about here.

I will create a metaphor...
Like parables, metaphors can help you understand
to understand the incomprehensible.
That is why all great teachers have used them.


Then let us call this the
Amazing Metaphor.


Well, okay.

Page 168

You have imagined that there is so much,
you need to be happy,
even just to survive.
You have made it all up.


Translated with (free version)

From the book by Neale Donald Walsch
"At Home in God - On Life After Death".

Part 2

Pages 166-171

The amazing metaphor

- God -

Just like parables, metaphors can also help you
to understand the incomprehensible.
That is why all great teachers have made use of them.

- Neale -

Then let us call this the
Amazing Metaphor.



Picture in your mind's eye
a beautiful, round, juicy, red apple.
Call this apple "time
and the inside of the apple "space".

- Neale -

It's hard for me to think of the inside of an apple
as "space" because it contains so much matter.

- God -

If you could see
how much matter your so-called space contains,
you wouldn't have any problem at all.
In comparison, the molecules
of this imaginary apple
are at least as far apart from each other
as the solid matter of the cosmos is.

- Neale -


- God -

Now imagine that you are an infinitesimally tiny microbe,
which, though small, is extremely alive
moving through a tunnel in this apple.

In this metaphor, the "tunnels"
with their walls represent the corridors of time.
Along the corridor are markings,
that distinguish each millimetre of the wall
from all the other millimetres of wall.
Can you imagine this "tunnel of time"
with its many markings?

-Neale -

Yes, I have it as a picture in front of me.


Apple orange

This picture was painted by Heidrun Müller
according to the descriptions in the text

- God -

Good. Now perceive this:
As you move through this tunnel
time does not pass.
YOU are moving through TIME.

- Neale -

Oh man, I just saw that.
You already said it,
but now I just saw it.
Boy, that picture is worth a thousand words.
And what an interesting reversal it represents.
- A total mind flip.

- God -

Stay with it. Keep seeing,
that time does not move.
Time is now "in its place".
It is static, stable, stationary.
It is always where it is.
Wherever you may be in time,
it is always Now.
You are the one who is on a journey.
You are moving through time.

- Neale -

Okay, I get it. I have the picture in front of me.
I'm moving through time.

- God -

Now imagine that the microbe,
that we call your "I" is part of the apple.

- Neale -

Excuse me?

- God -

Imagine that you are a tiny particle..,
an atom, if you will, of the apple.
So you would be moving
through yourself, right?

- Neale -

Uh, yes, I suppose so. I suppose so.

- God -

You are an atom of this apple,
a part of yourself moving through itself.
So you could say, then,
that this apple is the "apple of the atom's eye".

- Neale -

Very clever.

- God -

Good. And now you travel
from the outside to the inside of the apple
- from the very outermost part
into the very innermost part of the self.
Can you visualise that?

- Neale -


- God -

This is your journey through life.
The markings on the tunnel tell you where you are.
These markings are actually pictures,
and each one marks a moment.
Each moment is like a snowflake.
No two are alike, not for all eternity.

You look at the pictures
as you pass them.
You focus your attention on them,
and so you move through the tunnel
- concentrating on one image after another.
Eventually you arrive at the centre of the apple.
That has been your goal all along the way.
This part of the journey is now over.


- Neale -

I feel like this is the moment
when I "die." Is that so ?

- God -

This is the moment you "die".
You have moved through the physical world
and reached the core of this sphere, this globe,
which contains all time and space.
You are in the core,
in the 'dead centre',
as they say in English.
