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In the last article we learned about the two important properties
of the soul:
Freedom and Immortality.
I always use the familiar word soul in the following.


Who and what am I
The synerg
y between the
- body - spirit - soul -

Alina and Alino’s statements
about the body are making me curious
How do the body interact with one another?
I keep thinking about that
and I am slowly becoming impatient.

... Then it happens unexpectedly ...
... as always...
... I don’t know how – I don’t know when...
Like the last time, their house is in the sun.
My friends,
Alina - Alino
their children - Manuelo and Manuela
their visitors - Nina and Nino,
are sitting in front of it.


» Hello – you’re back! -
Alberto - welcome «

It is really nice – to be greeted this way.
It is just like the first time.
The same peacefulness,
a wonderful atmosphere.

» So - Alberto - what’s on your mind this time «
Alino begins.
» Ah - I think I can guess what -
You want to know more
about the synergy between the body - spirit - soul in detail.
We must have made you curious.
Yes, Alberto - that’s the way it is.
Every new piece of information leads to a new question.
That is only natural and a good thing. «


» You are lucky - Alino and Alina -
you know so much more than we do. «
» Alberto . a long time ago, we were also there where you are now -
Be happy - we will help you.
Let’s see WHAT the best way is.
Come - let us go for a short walk «

The house is on a hill.
We go through the garden.
Suddenly we are looking down at an extensive river valley.
The waves shimmer in the light.
Down below, a ship passes without a sound.
We stop in amazement.

» We also always find this view beautiful - Alberto «


We sit down on a bench.
Very similar to home, Alberto thinks,
only that everything is much brighter and more clear.
There is a great silence before Alino begins with his explanation:

» Dear Alberto
I can fully understand your curiosity.
I knew that one day you would come to us with that question.

How can I explain this you?

Imagine that someone wants to travel to an unknown country.
He knows that this country exists.
The landscape is beautiful and surrounded by majestic mountains.


Now he is making his preparations.
It will probably be an expedition.
It will require a small crew - a team -

1. a cook - responsible for the physical well-being
2. a cameraman - responsible for the documentation
3. a leader and initiator
responsible for the tasks and daily objectives."

"Oh - Alino - I can guess - what you're getting at -
I'm beginning to understand what that means "

"Well - Alberto - what does it mean? «

» Alino
- I am the team -

For my journey on my home planet, Earth
I need a body,
which must be supplied
with light - air - and the substances of the earth.
further a spirit that stores everything,
the places - the daily activities - the discoveries
similar to a hard disk in a computer.
And a soul or the
who plans the way and the tasks every day,
that the man has turned himself in.
But I have one more question, Alino.
The impressions can sometimes be too great for the soul.
I mean, it is possible."

"You are right - dear Nino -
that happens more often than you think.
You can't imagine everything before.
Just as the body needs a rest,
so the mind and soul also need new energies.
This renewal of the energies happens at night
during sleep.
The next morning, everyone wakes up,
the body the mind and the soul.
filled with new energies and full of zest for action. «

" That's it - Alberto -
you got it.
The energies of the body - the mind
and above all the energies of the soul
are reloaded.
Just like you can recharge a battery."


" Dear Nino - look down there -
a river with a cargo ship.
Both are a symbol for the flow of life.
The ship - as an image for the soul.
The river - as a symbol for the flowing life,
day by day - week by week
Month by month - year by year.
In this way, little by little
safely and reliably to the destination of our life's journey.

A smile of relief and relaxation
comes from my heart.
" Thank you - Alino - thank you very much "

...we sit for a long, long time...
...we look and we keep quiet...
...time does not exist...
...only the moment...


My mind - like a camera -
stores all these insights.
These will remain beautiful memories.

I am happy.
Now I understand the cooperation
of body, mind and soul more clearly.

After a while - quiet steps
a hand gently touches my shoulder.
I feel it is Alina's hand.
"Come - Alberto -
a beautiful event deserves a beautiful conclusion "
"You are right - Alina - "

We get up - walk slowly towards the house.
"A little surprise - Alberto -
I know you like this drink."


We drink - slowly and with pleasure - it tastes delicious - the Chai-Latte


Slowly the eyes close
.... I do not know how - I do not know when ...
.... When I open it again ...
... ...I see before me my beloved Elbe.
glistening in the sunlight.


And quietly - then getting louder and louder -
- a song comes up in me -
the song of life - of joy.
With all senses and in a joyful way
I listen to the diverse voices.


" Joy - beautiful spark of the gods - daughter from Elisium
We enter fire-drunk - heavenly - your sanctuary "

Dream or reality
- that's for everyone to decide for themselves -
- you're free to choose -

Photos and text by Albert Jäger

Many lives - one story [de] [eo] [hu] [es] [fr] [fr] [en] [eo/cz]

Horizons – Dream or Reality – Part 1.1 – Departure into a new world [de] [fr] [eo]

Photos and text by Albert Jäger
translation by Tamata Girke

Who and what am I - 1. The Body