Articles by Christine Valin


  • last light in Menton today!

    - 23 Jan 2012 - 1 comment
    It was so cloudy, but I wanted to go into town to take photos. I found the light and followed it!

  • from my balcony!

    - 22 Jan 2012
    These were taken last night from my balcony. The light was magnifiique!

  • Mahé makes a daisy bouquet for his Mum!

    - 20 Jan 2012
    It was so beautiful to see Mahé doing this and it gave me such pleasure to take these photos of him!

  • Les 4 saisons (in French)

    - 15 Jan 2012 - 3 comments
    Les 4 saisons. Pendant toute la carrière artistique de Christine, ses tableaux ont représenté ce qu’elle aimait le plus : la beauté, beauté des fleurs, des paysages ….. Elle a également réalisé de nombreux portraits qui ne sont terminés que lorsque ils expriment totalement la personnalité du sujet. Quatre tableaux, cependant, sont nés de son imagination : Printemps, Eté, Automne et Hiver et qui en fait représentent les « saisons » de la vie de Christine. Printemps : Cette…

  • the four seasons! (in English)

    - 15 Jan 2012
    The Four Seasons Spring : I did the four seasons, as I wanted to, but they are also the seasons of my life. The young girl is situated in a big anemone, which is one of the first flowers that grow in my garden in spring. The little girl has ringlets (I had them when I was a girl) and a romantic dress (we were dressed like this when I was a kid). She has no shoes, as we used to play without shoes when we were kids, as we lived in India(the weather being so hot) She is looki…

  • It's my world!

    - 12 Jan 2012
    Mimosa and sun in January is such a pleasure. I'm just plain lucky to live where I do! This is dedicated to my ipernity friend Mimosa! I was thinking of her when I took these photos yesterday.

  • bad weather in Menton!

    - 08 Jan 2012
    It was not really bad, but the waves were enormous for our side of the world. I was lucky to have been there! Which one do you like the best?

  • Just a Big THANK YOU!

    - 06 Jan 2012 - 1 comment
    I would like to thank all my visitors who came to see my paintings and leave such lovely comments for me. I have never got so much feed back. This gives me a lot of pleasure, so Thank you all! Thanks to Marcel for starting this off which gave me to idea to show them! There will be a few more and then I will stop, as I have painted about 250 of them, and I think that's a bit too much to show!!!

  • Paintings done by me!

    - 30 Dec 2011
    I'm showing you some of my pastels, as there are not many of you know I paint as well as take photographs. Actually, I have not been painting for some time, as I am concentrating on learning photography and find I don't have enough time to paint. If anyone is interested in buying, you can contact me. If you are interested in seeing more paintings, they are all on my site, in "albums" in various folders of water colour, tempera, oil, pastels, etc. Enjoy!

  • winter flowers Dec 2011

    - 28 Dec 2011 - 1 comment
    These flowers were shot in my garden this afternoon. It's really incredible how they grow this time of the year. I had to get my macro lens out, which I haven't used for a long time!! It made a nice change.

  • christmas day!

    - 27 Dec 2011
    Nothing gives me more pleasure than when I can wander around and just take what I feel. This is what I did on christmas day!

  • Christmas lights at Place Massena - Nice

    - 20 Dec 2011 - 3 comments
    I was there yesterday and this is what I saw!

  • Christmas time at Monaco

    - 18 Dec 2011
    I always love taking the decorations at the shopping mall in Monaco, so these are my impressions!

  • Mahé is 3 years and 3 months old!

    - 17 Dec 2011
    These were the latest photos I took of him at the bottom of the garden. He is the joy of my life!

  • Castellar Dec 2011

    - 14 Dec 2011
    I was looking out for dereliction pics and it was so interesting to see these old doors. They were most all locked, so I couldn't go inside. The village was full of these old houses, but now there are only four to six left, as they have been converted to more modern houses to live in. There will be more pics to come in the next couple of days!

  • atmosphere, but no sunset!

    - 11 Dec 2011
    It was a disappointing sunset as the sun was behind the clouds, but the atmosphere was fantastic and the cloud formation really impressive. I don't regret going!

  • wandering in the old town!

    - 10 Dec 2011
    Just odds and ends which attracted me while walking in the old town. It was quite an experience! And it made a change!

  • Christmas lights in town!

    - 08 Dec 2011
    These were taken after the sunset, as it was dark and the lights were on!

524 articles in total