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Publication date  /  2008  /  March   -   3 articles

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  • My favorite photos!

    - 03 Mar 2008
    These were taken at night, during the carnival at the gardens which were lit up. It was an excellent evening and the Tahitians danced for us most of the time. These people gave a sense of peace and beauty and were so nice to the public, that everyone were

  • No more carnival photos! OOF!

    - 08 Mar 2008
    These were taken at the day and night parade.

  • Western Australia

    - 31 Mar 2008
    I was lucky to be able to visit Perth and its surroundings, which was one of the most interesting holidays I've had. Although this was one year ago, it's still very much in my memory. Let's say it's another world! I will be putting on quite a few, so