Jean-luc Drouin's favorite articles

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  • 2019-08-30 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The number of new club accounts created in the first 8 months of 2019, now +74, already exceeds the total number of new club accounts created in 2018 (+62). The number of active club accounts even increased by +82 from 1,298 to 1,380 since the beginning of the year. This makes us very optimistic. 2) In addition, members of the VIEW Fotocommunity are currently interested in finding a new home for their photo hobby due to the closure of…

  • 2019-07-28 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) During the last 6 months our website has been updated in many parts. In addition to all kinds of small bug fixes, the Breaking-News function and the freely adjustable background color have been introduced. The “Terms of Service” have been updated as well as “About ipernity” and “History”. The subscription page has been redesigned, the old FAQ replaced by a completely new version. The geo-localization was migrated to Open-Street-Map, the inte…

  • The Highest Level of Special

    Together Against Trump (UK State Visit)
    The 45th President’s state visit to the United Kingdom may have been controversial to many but it was convenient to some. Mixed in with the usual bizarre behaviour and the inevitable pomp and circumstance, the true agenda was never far from the surface. Trump's visit has conicided with a time of unique chaos and uncertainty in the UK. The Tory Party (and therefore the government) is still tearing itself…

  • Merci Elliot

    j'adore !

  • The State We're In

    David Cameron (Allegedly)
    The nature of politics and protest in the UK has changed beyond all recognition in recent years. The sweeping austerity measures presided over by David Cameron altered the face of the country and some might argue reinvigorated the left. Protests against the state of the nation became more commonplace and Cameron’s entitled background became a favourite target of his critics. As divisive as his time in office may have been, Cameron’s legacy is an even more deeply divided nation.…

  • 2019-03-01 Invitation to Ipernity General Assembly 2019 (IGA2019)

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) Seasonally fitting I welcome the visitors to our homepage from today with the spring pictures you provided. I thank you for your involvement! 2) As of today 38 Club members and 18 "free" users have already committed themselves financially for the reprogramming of ipernity. The sum of the paid contributions meanwhile amounts to 6,338 EUR (21% of the required starting capital). 3) The ima team has now defined a strategic guideline fo…

  • 2019-03-08 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) To date, 50 club members and 35 "free" users have made financial contributions to the reprogramming of ipernity. The amounts paid in adds up to 8,543 EUR (28,5 % of the required starting capital). 2) This Sunday, 10 March, 18:00 CET, there will be a trial run for the General Assembly. All members who have registered by then can participate. 3) Please do not wait until the last day with your candidatures! It is important that all members…

  • 2019-03-05 Attention please / Attention s'il vous plaît / Achtung bitte

    [EN] We notice again and again that e-mails to your registered e-mail address are not delivered, or end up in the spam folder, where they are overseen. So we try this additional way to send you important information. 1) There is important news about our first Ipernity General Assembly . 2) Please support our project Help with ipernity reprogramming Your ima team [FR] Nous notons encore et encore que les e-mails envoyés à votre adresse e-mail déposée ne sont p…

48 articles in total