Group: " - Espaces -Spaces- Räume - Espacios- spazi "

These boots were made for walking (... and resting…

some rain to come

Dunham Park Stream.

Chartreuse du Reposoir (74) 22 juin 2018.

Berlin Sony Center

nun ab in den Süden !!!

la campagne picarde

Light and shadow - Le Pic de Rochebrune -

To the lighthouse

HFF ~ To the Sea!

Abu Dhabi : La grande moskea Zayed - (975)

On to Anelog Mountain

Abu Dhabi : La grande moskea Zayed -

Früher Herbst - Early autumn

Santorini : Un panorama esclusivo Thera

Another sunset

Völklinger Hütte

Séville / Sevilla (E) 13 juillet 2018. Le Metropol…

Corse-2018 : Premier visage de la Corse / Corsica…


Lone Surfer
