Group: Benches of the World

Dame tu corazón

Unter der großen Fichte

Corby Cube (side view)

HFF for everyone--friday 9 febr 2018

A river, a bench, quoi d'autre ?

Banc et urinoirs / Bench and urinals

autumn in the park

Tree, picnic bench & table ..


S'asseoir à la gare / Sit down at the train statio…

Kleine Pause ...

Stanley Arms

Calling channel 12

Weitblicksbank - HBM


Gelber Horizont

que d'eau, que d'eau !

The Old Grammar School, Market Harborough

.. the signing bench downtown

Room for two more....

Mound Hounds

10 Mile Lake near Quesnel, BC

Weinberg Idylle