Group: Façades du Monde

Church of Saint John the Baptist.

Queen's Park Bridge (1923).


Masonry contrasts

Submergée / Flooded

Boat launch parking

Gateway museum

Barcelona Spanien

Flensburg: Nordertor

The top of the window I, Chapter House.

Pour la visite...

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Cathédrale Saint-Paul d’Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire (Iv…

Stralsund, Rathaus

Public Baths (1901).

Schnifis Österreich

The Island of Rhodes, Commercial Harbor and East W…

Cycling from Bordeaux Vineyards to the Atlantic Co…

When you remove a wall from your house...

Chantree Cottage.

Small plane hangar

Crater Lake Klamath Regional

At the airport

English old house.

Gillette pharmacy