Group: Duck, Duck, Goose

Nette rousse = Netta rufina, Parc des Oiseaux (Fra…

Canard carolin = Aix sponsa, Parc des Oiseaux, Vil…

Duck and Pukeko

Happily Swimming.

In Lake Moananui.

At Lake Rotorua

Gazing at Something.

Two Ducks and two Coot.

Lake Rotorua Wildlife.

coincoin noir et blanc - HFF to All

Five Coots and a Duck.

Lake Whakamaru Wild Fowl.

BESANCON: Une canne Colvert (Anas platyrhynchos).

BESANCON: Un Harles Bièvre (Mergus merganser).02

BESANCON: Un Harles Bièvre (Mergus merganser).01


Gaggle of Geese.

Birds On the Lake

Ripples & reflections ..

Alors.... tu arrives...!

Natural Halloween...!

Coincoin de Barbarie (3)
