Group: Abstract Nature

Playing With Leaves

The Green Eye of an Irish Eyes Black-Eyed Susan

Droplets with Poppy Refraction and Bokeh

Miss Poppy's Stylish Hairdo

Say Hello to Miss Poppy!

Dreamy Goatsbeard Seed Head, Parachutes and Achene…

Glowing Goatsbeard Parachutes (Pappus)

Red Buds in A Green Star

171/365: "He is richest who is content with the le…

2013060102 VTT St Alban sur Limogne (82) Ledge


Seeds & Scales (1 picture below)

Peregrine Thistle Bud

IMG 0527 refreshed

20130108 Fee Caroux (91)

20130509 Fee Mt Baudile (39) Ledge

Red and Black Leaf Abstract

20130209 Fee Pegairolles bueges-st guilhem desert…

20130620 Fee Arboretum de l'Espaze (1) Ledge

Petals of a Peony

164/365: "Keep your love of nature, for that is th…

Detail of a Spider Chrysanthemum

IMG 2704 glow

IMG 2807 pirouette

IMG 2503 jewel

IMG 2463 dusk