Group: 5+ Favourites

Only contributions by Berny are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Salt basins near Trapani

Flowers at the river bank......

La Chiesa Madre di Erice

The Locomotive Hangar - 2

Old house in Western Styria

Castello di Venere

Golden Monreale

Cloud Bank

Today in Vienna - 03

Palermo Harbour

The Rock

1500 ccm Flower Power

Fish Market Palermo - 1

The neighbors birch tree - 2

Radiowaves in the air.........

The White Skyscraper

Neon Reflection - 2


Antiques Market Palermo

Morning Fog - from night to day........


Washington Obelisk


Pfaffenhütchen - Euonymus europaea


Herz Jesu Church - Reflection

Huts in the Saalach river valley.......