Group: 5+ Favourites

Only contributions by Berny are shown | Display all contributions of the group



7 1100

I love this road

Traces in the sky and on the ground

Airport Graz-Thalerhof

La Scala ceramic steps - Caltagirone

Graz - 24.12.2008

A Carpet of Wild Flowers


Alterkogel - 2552 m

Luxury Cows

Breakfast place over Siracusa

One Man Show

Graz - 24.12.2008

Graz - 24.12.2008

Artpiece of shower

Piazza Armerina


Calascibetta - B/W

Dark clouds over sunny valley

Scicli - Church of St. Bartholomew

Mondello Beach - PiP

Blooming Cactus

Castello Normanno di Caltabellotta - 1194

Another view of Sony Center

Caltabellotta - Sicilia

"Schaffnerlos"............. "No Ticket Collector"…