Group: 5+ Favourites

Only contributions by Berny are shown | Display all contributions of the group

Wood - 3

s t e e l - m e n

Little Lake

A grey day at the old greenhouse - 5

A grey day at the new greenhouse - 8

A grey day at the old greenhouse - 9

A grey day at the old greenhouse - 1

Mirror, mirror, on the wall...................


Island Miyajima

Kiyomizu-dera temple

The Capitol and the lonely pink car

Fushimi Inari-Taisha - 伏見稲荷大社

Purple Shopping in Kobe

North Ridge Preber - 2740 m

Shinkansen series 500

West Wall - original

Long Way

Under Dark Clouds

Grey Sunday - The Beech (PiP)

Grey Sunday - Who lives there

Cafe Sepia

Roteck 2742 m - Preber 2740 m

Innsbruck - Dome

Golden River

Palermo Harbour

Dolce Siciliana