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  • The Battle of Pollilur (1780)

    Barttle of polilur 1780 PL 4
    SRIRANGAPATNA (SERINGAPATNAM) IS A town on an island in the River Kaveri in the state of Karnataka in southern India. I have been there several times as it is near a holy spot (the ‘sangam’, where three streams meet) where ashes of deceased Hindus, including those of my parents-in-law, are ceremoniously deposited in the waters of the Kaveri. The town near the sangam was the capital of the realm ruled by Tipu Sultan (1750-1799). This former capital of a great ruler is full of impressive architect…

  • My little homeshop and some news

    Ce we je vais sur Paris voir la clique de mes amis. Cela risque d'être très photographique. Si jamais certain sont interressés nous allons à BNF voir l'expo de la bourse aux talents. La semaine prochaine vous aurez donc sûrement des posts sur ce qui s'est fait... Maintenant, passons aux choses sérieuses :